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狂詩曲の特異点 . rhapsodic singularity

 rhapsodic singularity

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ZEN'IN MAKI WAS absolutely ruthless when it came to fighting. Her brutal fighting style combined with her unnatural strength is absolutely killer and it certainly did not make it easy for you to fight back. Your natural body strength was rather on the weaker end of the spectrum thus martial arts that utilized the opponent's movement against them was most ideal. Aikido came naturally to you; having taken lessons when you were younger, the movements and fluidity just came more naturally than other more violent forms of martial arts. You trained with Maki, honing your skills and reflexes with her. Though her sharp, somewhat hurtful comments often made an impact on your train of thoughts.

"Oi! What are you? An old man?! Keep your arms straight and eyes on me!" She scolded, throwing punches at you in rapid succession. You dodged most but the scraping of her fist collided with the sides of your arm caused the rubbing sensation to burn. Amidst her punches, she twisted her hips to kick at your side of which you hooked your right arm under her Achilles' tendon and followed through with all you could muster. Maki's face twisted into slight surprise but she easily maneuvered herself from falling as she folded her body in half, grabbing onto your left arm. A yelp was elicited from your mouth as the two of you fell to the grassy ground beneath.

"Not bad! You've improved, (y/n)." Maki smirked, pulling herself up from the ground. You hissed in pain, rubbing your backside before sitting upright to smile at her. "Couldn't have done it without your training." You winced slightly in pain before the pain dulled. It had been a week since training started; two weeks remained before the Event officially began.

"I think you're ready to take on your half brother." She mused, cleaning her glasses before putting them back on. You laughed nervously before pushing yourself up to ready in stance once more.

"I'm not sure about that." You replied, watching as Maki stood back up.

"Knowing him, he'll probably underestimate you. That's when you swoop in and kick his ass." She flashed you a smile, holding her fists up before another bout of training began.

Kamo Noritoshi always frightened you. He was stern, realistic, and traditional— the perfect heir. His mother left him at a young age; leaving him striving to become the head of the clan for the sake of his mother. Whilst you fought mindlessly for the sake of your own mother. Perhaps there is a commonality between the two of you that has yet to be acknowledged but the price of admittance could damage his pride.

You've grown nihilistic towards the world upon the death of your mother and the order placed upon your head. To whom your executioner may be, you wondered if they held any remorse in the thought of killing someone innocent. In one singular command, the death sentence of (l/n) (y/n) could be carried out. Though the rekindling of redemption in your heart was sparked thanks to Yuuji's words, you've grown in appreciation towards the fickle dance between life and death. With what has been granted to you, maybe helping those less fortunate than you would postulate some sort of assurance in you.

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