CHAPTER TEN. プレサージュフラワー

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プレサージュフラワー . presage flower

 presage flower

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FICKLE AS YOUR confidence was, your resolve was unwavering. In one swift step, you and Megumi charged at the King of Curses in two directions. You pulled your arm back, balling your fist tightly as you attempted to hit him. With hands in pockets, Sukuna dodged each fist thrown at him by you and Megumi. Easily dodging Nue's attacks from the sky.

LI'm finally outside, let's use this open space, yeah?" Sukuna chuckled, evading another one of Megumi's punches and immediately noting your presence behind him. He pulled one of his hands out, hitting Megumi backwards before pivoting around to grab onto your fist.

A loud gasp left your lips as he flung you onto Megumi who caught you, pulling you into his arms to steady you. Megumi turned slightly before twisting his hip and hurling a powerful kick at Sukuna who leapt backwards, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Hm... how interesting. You use shikigamis but you still fight me face-to-face and you," his vermillion eyes landed on you, a queasiness clenched around your chest.

"You. You're a member of the Kamo clan, yes?"

Chagrin filled you, leaving a falsified bitterness in your mouth upon hearing the odious name of the accursed clan.

"So what if I am?" You scowled, glaring at Sukuna.

"Hm... yes, this is rather interesting indeed." He grinned before dipping his head as Nue swept down to attack him. You bit down on your bottom lip before balling your fist and charging at him. Megumi matched your movement, swiftly going around to strike him. Sukuna blocked the attacks with ease, knocking away the two pairs of fists thrown at him.

"More," he swept Megumi's fist away before nearly dodging yours. "More." He grinned slyly at you as your next blow was blocked by him. His fingers wrapped around your fist, pulling you close before swinging you around like a rag doll. Sukuna released your fist, flinging you towards Megumi before the two of you collided harshly. "Put more curse into it when you strike me."

A metallic taste filled your mouth, your stomach twisted as you and Megumi landed harshly against the concrete. Droplets of rain hit your face, rolling down your cheeks as Megumi helped you up. A sharp gasp left your lips as you felt a burn in your chest which caused you to double over, falling to your knees.

Immediately, Megumi pulled his hand close, a shadow emerging underneath Sukuna before a white python materialized. The python, Orochi, snatched Sukuna with it's mouth, extending its body into the air. "Gang up on him!"

Nue, extending its wings, dove at Sukuna who easily evaded the onslaught of attacks. In one extension of his own arms, Sukuna ripped Orochi apart. Megumi gasped before feeling the back of his uniform tighten against his skin.

"Hey now... What did I just say?" Midnight eyes widened as he watched Sukuna lift you by the collar of your uniform with one arm, feeling the tightening of the fabric. "Let's use the open space!"

𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 ↷ jujutsu kaisen x reader [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now