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Two Years Later-

" Sage!"

I exhale loudly slumping down on the chair, goosebumps breaking across my skin as I hug myself. My therapist looks at me, annoyance written across her face.

" I'm talking to you Sage , the least you can do is listen." she mutters raising an eyebrow at me.

I roll my eyes looking at the wall behind when she begin blubbering shit again. I cant help but feel disconnected from her, from everyone. Why the fuck is it so hard to be normal?

" Sage!" she slams her hand on the table, earning a flinch from me.

" What did I just say ?" she snaps at me as I look at her with a frown.

" I wanna go home." I whisper.

" Look Sage, were all here to help you. Im here to help you recover, my dear." she starts with her honey-coated words as I let out a little huff.

" Sage , please concentrate."

" In the last session , I asked you to prepare yourself. Are you ready ?" she asks as I roll my eyes.

" No." I answer simply.

" Come on, I'm sure you can do it." she says, offering me that same fake smile everyone does.

" Tell me Sage , tell me about the day you escaped from there. How were things ? How did you feel ?" she asks.

" That day?" I question, as she nods happily.

" It was day six in captivity, I was tied in the back seat of their car, with a dirty sock in my mouth. A man older than my father was on top of me, raping me as I struggled to breathe. I was slipping in and out of consciousness, I-"

I gulp in a lungful of air, looking up at Whitney. She gives me a small smile, nodding her head.

"There were screams and gunshots happening outside the next moment. I found myself in the hospital when I gained consiousness again. I had been out of a surgery and there were a couple more waiting for me. My family was by my side, mourning as the doctor announced the lengthy list of things that went wrong with me in those six days. I had fractured a couple of bones, got STDs, my genitals were ripped, my womb was damaged and I was addicted to the drugs they gave me and the list went on and on." A little chuckle escapes my lips as I try my best not to curl into a ball and bawl my eyes out at the moment.

"What happened after that?" she questions, folding her arms together.

I couldnt help but despise this woman at this moment. She knew everything, she knew every little detail of it and yet she wanted me to say it out. I wasnt interested in self-reflection or whatever hell they call it. I'm sad, and fucked up and need to be left alone.

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