4: We Meet Again

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Peter turned to face the light haired boy who appeared to be around his age, but Peter knew better. His green eyes flickered to the pan flute in the boy's hand. The boy smiled and placed his hands in his pockets.

"I have to say, there are so many more interesting places than this small mortal town," the boy said bored, "It suits you."

Peter clenched his jaw at the boy, "What business do you have with this town?"

"Business?" The boy laughed darkly, "I have no quarrel with this town, but with you. However, I guess the town is a consolation prize for what I'm really after."

"And what would that be?" Peter asked hiding his fear.

Before he could open his mouth, he heard his wife's voice shout throughout the woods, "Hope!"

"Elle..." Peter murmured and then looked at the boy's golden eyes. 

"What have you done to Hope?"

"Hope?" The boy scoffed, "What kind of name is that? Hope? Such a trivial word. Such an easy thing to crush between my hands."

"If you hurt one hair on her head..." Peter threatens and the boy cuts him off.

"You'll what?" the boy chuckled, "You are powerless. I've watched you since then and how your empire crumbled beneath your feet. You are just a man while I am something more. I've already crossed paths with your darling little Elle. How such a powerful woman could choose you to love. How pathetic really. She had the god of the Underworld himself wrapped around her little finger and yet she gave it all up for you."

Hades was a bitter memory that both he and Elle tried to block from memory. The dark fate that ensnared them for so long had ended five years ago. Five years they lived in peace. His green eyes were on guard when faced with the figure from his past. 

"Elena Weston..." the boy recalled, "Also known as the vessel to Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. Such power lies deep inside of her. Such strength. I came across her in town and must say that she is quite divine."

"You stay away from her," Peter says through gritted teeth. 

"Or what?" the boy smirked, "You think I care if she is a married woman? Who is going to stop me?"

To prove his point, the boy punched Peter's face and he crashed into the tree. he grunted and rose to his feet while the boy stepped towards him, "I prove my point. Though she is quite distant of me as was that rotten child. Well... The one thing children are good at is being the perfect bait."

The very thought of Hope being used as bait left Peter angry. The boy picked up a pile of dead leaves and blew them towards Peter. In midair, they transformed into shards of glass. They sliced Peter's face and the boy smiled watching the blood stem from the wounds.

The boy sighed, "Atlas I would love to stay here and catch up with you, but I have other fun matters to tend to. But let me tell you, I'm just getting started."

Peter unsheathed his dagger and hurled it towards the boy. The boy casually caught the blade between his fingers and glanced over his shoulder at him, "How amusing this game will be, Peter."

The low laughter from the boy as he disappeared left Peter fuming. he tore off a branch and snapped it in his hands pretending it was the boy's neck. A clash of thunder above him caused Peter to lift his head to the skies murmuring, "Pan..."

He loathed the god for what he had started long ago and vowed that he would no longer be powerless. But in doing so, he'd be taking a step back into the darkness. Time passed as Peter stood, reeling from the interaction. He finally returned to the entrance of the woods to find Elle asleep on the park bench. Her clothes were soaked and water fell down her face. Peter frowned at the sight. 

Ending Pan | OUAT Fan-fictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant