"A busy summer" Part4

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He climbed out his window and got on top of the roof. "Here's to hope that all those times I fell in parkour were worth it." Izuku got in a running stance. He ran to the edge of the roof and once he felt the edge he leaped onto the next roof, one of his legs on the side of the roof with his hands holding the railing."heheh... A-alright that wasn't too different from jumping from random objects in the beach, I got this." He said, trying to convince himself.

He was just planning to practice his roof hopping that night when he saw a girl trying to grab her bag away from a random guy. 'Uh oh, that guy most definitely has a gun.' Izuku thought seeing the object in the man's hand, 'but I can't just let her get mugged' Izuku sighed and before he could have a normal, sane thought he rushed down from the roof and sprinted towards the two.

He tried to act faster than the mugger and swiped his pole in an upwards motion, disarming the guy from his weapon. "What's this? A child trying to play hero? Beat it kid." The man said, pulling out another gun from his pocket. Izuku stayed silent and focused on the girl instead.

"Call the cops and try to stay safe." He whispered in her ear. She nodded and backed off, pulling her phone out. The guy was about to shoot the poor girl and Izuku was panicking so he started to spin his pole in a circular motion, attempting to block off the bullet and it worked. "Wow, I thought that only worked in the movies." He whispered. The bullet ricocheted off and skimmed the guy's leg. Izuku flinched slightly at the sight of blood but took this chance to tie the guy up. He took off one of his beaded bracelets that were made of really secure rope and tied him up next to a pole. Sure, the bracelets were pretty obnoxious and colorful but that was the fun in it, besides no one can see it under his dark green hoodie anyway.

When he heard sirens far off in the distance he went over to the girl and handed her her bag and said, "stay safe." He then ran off onto the rooftops and once he got to a seemingly safe spot he took off his mask and was panting from the adrenaline rush he just got from that fight.

"That was pretty decent fight over there for a new time vigilante." Izuku instantly got up and turned to the voice who said that. It was Eraserhead. Izuku's eyes widened and he tried to run away.

The Vigilante started to run away but before he could Aizawa caught by the arm with his capture weapon when he was mid air. He heard a slight pop followed by a high pitched yelp. Shouta's eyes widened his realization that vigilante could possibly be as young as 16 and he instantly tried to be more gentle. He loosened his capture weapon and asked, "Are you alright?" The vigilante took this as a chance to run and started jumping to the next roof.

'Is this kid insane? He could possibly have a dislocated shoulder yet he still runs. Tch, Problem child' Shouta thought as he ran after the Vigilante.

'OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!' Was all Izuku could think about as he was basically racing the pro hero he helped with missions online. Izuku, with his new found adrenaline, has never ran faster in his life, actually, he didn't know he could run that fast before.

He tried to think of a good way out. So what did his totally sane brain come up with? 'Jump off a roof and pray you live' and so he complied. He jumped off the roof, not missing the shocked face of the hero as he he went air born. While in the few seconds of falling he saw a ledge near the ground and grabbed onto it and swung himself so it made his fall less painful.

Once his feet touched the ground a surge of pain went through his ankle but he didn't stop running until he made sure the hero wasn't following him around anymore. Once he climbed through his window and into his bedroom the adrenaline was finally no longer there and the pain in his foot grew stronger. "Fuuuuuuccckkk," He whispered, Changing into his pajamas. "After all that falling I still can't land correctly." He scolded himself. He then realized the pain in his shoulder but he was too tired to care so he just went to bed and decided to ignore it and deal with it in the morning.

"Key word: 'Useless'" Bnha AuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz