{Victor Zsasz} No Means No Pt2

Start from the beginning

I yawned.

"Go back to sleep beautiful you need to rest" he whispered kissing me on the head.

I drifted back into sleep.

I knew that was his excuse to go and find the man but it was useless even trying to argue about it.

Victor loves me.

He does anything protect me.

And for that I am so grateful.

A few hours later I was woken up to the sound of his beautiful voice.

"Y/N Lee's here to talk to you" he said.

I sat up still in pain.

"So as you know we have all our evidence against this man. I was wondering if you thought about what you would like to do. Giving that we now have the suspect in police custody it would be a lot easier to prosecute" she explained.

"What do you mean you have him in custody" I asked her in confusion.

She looked at Victor and back at me again.

"Victor brought him in earlier alive surprisingly listen I have to go and get things in place but I'll give you a call later and check up" she said before leaving the room.

"You took him in" I look at Victor smiling.

"I can't say I didn't hurt him but yeah I took him in princess" he said coming and sitting next to me on the bed.

"I wanted you to get the proper justice you deserve and I know you would rather see him behind bars and have everyone see him for how he is than have him six foot under" Victor said grabbing my hands.

He stared at them.

They were so soft compared to his.

He brought them to his mouth and kissed my knuckles.

"Earlier when i touched your shoulder and you flinched you weren't scared of me were you" he asked in worry.

"No no no never ever I promise you I was just shook up I know you would never hurt me" I reassured him.

"I feel like a fool i Knew from the minute you came out that something was wrong but I brushed past of because I was too scared to ask" he said still looking down focused on my hands.

I moved them up towards his cheeks and he looked me deep in the eyes.

"I know. And if I could have told you I would have but for some reason every time I tried to speak no words would leave my mouth" I whispered.

He focused on my lips when I spoke almost like he knew every word I was about to say before I even said it.

Me and Victor completely adored each other.

"I'm so proud of you" he said, those words coming out of his mouth calmed me.

I smiled at him my words stopped coming out again my flashbacks came back.

He could see the fear in my eyes before I had even said a word.

"He's there again isn't he" Victor whispered.

I nodded.

"He can't hurt you anymore beautiful I promise you. I won't sit and tell you to get over it because I know you can't right now but i promise that no matter what I will help you though this" he said.

I cut him off and kissed his lips.

He kissed back.

The kiss was long and deep.


He knew just from it that i trusted him.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

They were brown and beautiful and I never failed to get lost in them.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you much more my beautiful fighter" he whispered back pulling me in for another kiss.

The days got harder and longer as time past but like he promised, Victor never gave up on me or us.

Finally going to court my abuser was sentenced 9 years.

Not as long as I had hoped and Zsasz sure was not impressed but it was enough for me.

All I needed was the reassurance that he would pay for what he did and that's is what happened.

Victor protected me with his life from that day on.

He makes me feel safe.

~ And that is the end. Like I said in part 1 I linked this with some of my personal experiences in hope to bring some awareness towards this subject.
I'll say it again. If you are struggling or going  through a similar situation please contact Rape Crisis Centres throughout the UK and can be contacted on 01708 765200 or by email to info@supportline.org.uk.
You are loved. I know it feels hard but you can fight this and if no one believes in you. I BELIEVE IN YOU. what happened was not your fault i promise you.
You are not alone.

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