25 | 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Lunch came right around the corner and we entered the canteen. My vision directly went to a specific table where I saw four boys sitting and three girls. Two of the girls I recognized from seeing them around in the halls, but the third one I didn't. 

Kyle met my gaze, smirked and beckoned me over. Shoot, he probably caught me gawking at them! Weasley witnessed what happened and vigorously shook his head. "Nope, not happening! You can go, but I definitely am not," he stated confidently, though he almost looked scared. 

Logan caught up to what happened and stared at me for a moment. He had this look in his eyes, the same one he had when he told me to stay away from Grayson and his friends. "Why not?" I asked Weasley instead. 

"Do you even know who they are?" I nodded my head slowly, a puzzled expression on my face. I knew the words that flew around this town, they're dangerous - watch out! They fight. They are trouble. But they always seem so nice. Well, Kyle does at least. And Grayson sometimes, too, like when he took me to his place

"I once accidentally bumped into Grayson, accidentally! And ever since then he hates me!" he complained. I raised my brows, that can't be true, right? Why would he hate him for that? 

"I'm sure they don't hate you," I tried. 

"Have you seen the death glare he gives me every time he sees me? It's like he's murdering me in his mind," he shivered dramatically. "Anyways, I'm gonna go, see ya," he said and walked off in the other direction. 

"There's a reason why he's so afraid of them, you know," Logan suddenly spoke, still looking at me. "There's a reason why so many people stay out of their way. They don't just fight, Sophia. It's way more than that." I didn't know what to say.

"W-What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure you wanna know. But you should listen to me. I know the difference between these rumors and the truth, and you'd be surprised. You'd wanna run away from them every time you see them if you knew what I know. So...just don't do something I wouldn't." And he, as well, walked off, leaving me all alone. 

My feet were glued to the ground, Kyle was still looking in my direction, though I saw him whispering something to Grayson - definitely a secret. 

Once again, Kyle motioned for me to come over, and I didn't want to seem afraid of them - I didn't believe Logan, not completely at least - or rude, so I timidly took steps towards them, scared my knees would cave in at any second. 

"Sophia, hey!" Kyle said, the three girls and boys tilting their heads up to see me awkwardly standing there. "Sit down," Kyle gave a cheeky grin, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. Something was off...

"Hey," I softly mumbled. 

"Oh, so this is the famous Sophia," a girl sitting on Anderson's lap said. I didn't answer, no one did, but despite that, the girl didn't seem to notice - or care about the tension at this table. She looked stunning with her dark and shoulder-length hair. Her dark eyes matching her aura. She and Anderson appeared to be a couple. 

"Yeah..." hummed Kyle. 

"So, did Freckle-Head gossip about us again?" asked Jacob from my left, a girl sitting next to him, a snicker followed. 'Freckle-Head' must be Weasley, I guess. I shook my head, not wanting him to get in more trouble than he already seemed to be with them. 

"No, no. He, uh, we were just talking about..." I swallowed, begging my mind to come up with an excuse good enough to believe. "About how much he-he liked you guys. He thinks that you're wonderful people," I lied. Damnit, Sophia! What was that?

Grayson and Anderson actually snorted at this, Kyle's grin grew wider and Jacob just gurgled. "Yeah, you absolutely are the best liar I know," he said, and my cheeks became warm. I looked away and crossed someone's eye-line. I sighed, not knowing I did it out loud. It was Logan, he was the one looking at me talking with Grayson and his friends. 

"Logan told you not to come sit with us, huh?" the girl on Anderson's lap asked me, though everyone already knew the answer. 

"Did he tell you why?" Anderson asked me. I actually think this is the first time he has ever spoken to me.  

"No," I replied, almost too silent to hear. I was wondering myself, why can't I sit here? There's nothing wrong with them, they're really nice to me.

I sighed once again. "Excuse me, I'm gonna go. I need to go to the-the bathroom," I pardoned myself from there and stood up without waiting for a response, leaving the canteen. I wasn't even hungry anymore, only needing some fresh air. 

That look in Logan's eyes, he looked at me that if I went there, they'd kill me. But for that they'd be murderers, and they weren't murderers, right?


A/N: Oop- Why would Logan tell Sophia something like that? Do you think Sophia should listen or not?

Her Beautiful InnocenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora