12 | 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔦𝔣𝔱

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A/N: Thanks for 1.6k reads!! Sorry if you don't like the song ^ but I'm just vibing while I write this lol

Sophia's POV

Yesterday, Friday, nothing really happened. I went to all my classes and ate lunch at Natalie's table. I decided to switch between Natalie and Evie's table, so I can catch up with all of them. I didn't talk to Grayson again, or saw him at school at all, but Kyle and I sometimes chatted when we crossed in the hallways. And Logan, the sweet guy he was, brought me to most of my classes.

I also, and luckily for me, didn't have to talk to Josephine again. We've seen each other during lunch or outside one or two times, she'd then wave at me with that obvious fake 'hi bestie!' façade. I returned it with a small smile every time.

I did my homework yesterday when I came home, so I am completely free today and tomorrow. This morning, I literally darted out of bed and showered. Liv was going to be here in half an hour! 

I put on an outfit I quickly fished out of my closet.

The doorbell rang and I looked at my alarm clock on my night stand. Is Liv already here? It's still 25 minutes too early...

I hopped down the stairs and opened the front door, gasping, my eyes widened when I saw Liv standing there. She squealed and made herself bigger, putting her arms to the side, beckoning me to give her a hug. 

Without a second thought, I flew into her embrace and she interlocked her hands behind me, trapping me inside her. 

"Liv! Oh my God, I cannot believe you're actually here!" I tightened my hold around her. It may only have been a week and a few days, but that was long enough for both me and her. 

"Me neither," she mumbled into my hair. "I can't tell you how happy I am to see you. You can show me all around town!" She released me and I told her to come inside. 

"Sorry, it's a bit earlier than we agreed on, but I wanted to surprise you," she smiled cheekily. I laughed. 

"Of course, that's no problem! More time to spend with you," I said, showing a toothy smile. I most-likely wasn't going to be able to get rid of this smile for a while.  

Liv wasn't shy to admit that she was starving after the long car ride she had to endure. Liv's already seventeen and has her driving's licence, along with her own car she bought with the money she had saved up.

We ordered pizza and I grabbed all the ingredients we were going to need for the brownies I wanted to make. I wasn't a star at cooking or baking, to be honest, I was pretty bad, but I did enjoy it and I wanted this to be some kind of 'welcome' gift.

Besides, anything with your best friend is fun. Especially with Liv, she can turn the most boring situations into a hilarious, memorable moment. 

"Okay, so wait... Am I supposed to put the butter in now?" Liv asked me, her hands already dirty. I really don't know how me and Liv turned the used-to-be-clean kitchen into a complete mess in only a few minutes. 

"Erm...I don't know. But aren't you meant to be mixing the eggs?" We didn't have a recipe for brownies laying around here, so we used our imagination and tried it ourselves, hoping we did it right. It could end up even better than the original, or as a complete disaster... 

I giggled at her confused expression. "Eggs? There are egg - of course there are eggs in brownies!" She face-palmed herself, making me laugh even harder. I was warming up the oven and putting the flour in an apart bowl. 

After about 8 or 10 more minutes, we were done preparing them. The only job left is baking them. I tripled excitedly over to the warmed-up opening and stuck the platter with raw brownies in. 

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