The 'Perfect' tutor

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"Omg" I said getting out of bed this sound is making me insane, I turned the doorknob and stormed to Eddie room finding him tapping on the table.

"Moms up just saying"

"Ok, that's not my concern" I said getting out of his room.

I quickly changed and tied a bandana around my hair.
"PER....FECT" I said in a low voice. I brushed my teeth grabbed my back pack and went downstairs.

"Good morning" i said giving my mom a nice little smile.

"Good morning" she answered back.

"Want breakfast"

"No thanks" I said wearing my red toms.

"Wait, and you better find a tutor by today or I'm gonna storm into your school and ask your teacher for tutor recommendations " she said giving me a fake smile.

"No need for that, I can find a tutor by today" I replied getting out before my mom can say anything else.

"Shit,Shit,shit,shit" I kept repeating myself over and over. Austin is the only person I know that he good at math but, it doesn't seem to match his personality I thought to myself. "hmmmmm" I breathed out.

"Guess I gotta try and ask him" I said aloud.

I park my car at my usual spot like every other days and got off.

*hey joeeeeeyyyy* Lia texted

*what do you want*

*where r u?*

*walking to Gomez now*

*ok, bye he's here*

~end of text~

I hurried in the front entrance of the school and quickly scan through the glass door to check on my hair.
"Great it's perfect" i said in a whisper.
I slowly pushed open the door letting me in the classroom without interrupting Mr. Gomez.
I bend my way through the desk and sat down.

"Ahem" "ahem" Mr.Gomez fake coughs to get my attention


"Your late for class, I think a detention suits you well" he says sarcastically

"I think your face suits the garbage" I heard Allison said mumbling the words out quietly.

"Meet me tomorrow after school anyways" Mr.Gomez says while sipping his coffee slowly.

"Bitch" I said cussing at Mr.Gomez in my head. After first period was over I grabbed my back pack and headed towards the bathroom.

"Hey Allison" I said going towards her.

"Hey, are you okay" she says heading towards me.

"I'm fine, just here to wash my hands"

"Alright, see you in class" she says and left.

I took one last glance at the mirror and went to 3rd period.

"Finally came back from the bathroom" Allison says while going up me.

"What ever" I said giving her a quick
smile and a hug before sitting down in my desk, Which my group has Austin and I in it.

~Austin's P.O.V~
"What sup, Jayln" I said giving him a handshake and sat down in my spot in front of Joey.

"Hey poop" I said goofily laughing at her.

"Cut the seriousness" I said again when she didn't reply back.

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