Chapter 6 - Fight.

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Everyone was stunned at this sudden accusation.

".. And why do you think that?" inquired Theodore somewhat stiffly.

"For starters, the only person who knew about our journals are us. Dave went out for a few days; he left this morning. It's too hard for a human to sneak into Miss Croner's basement.. " he faded off.

His words were being considered.

And they were all likely correct.

"He's right.. " said Jeanette mournfully. "It's one of us."

"Well that's just perfect." muttered Brittany.

"So how are we going to find out who it is?" asked Theodore.

"Let's start with clues." answered Eleanor.

"Wait, this person wants to be found out, remember? Why don't we just go with the flow?" suggested Theodore.

Alvin tactlessly raised his eyebrows at this.

"Well, I'm not sure the person wants to be found out exactly-" Simon hurriedly added before anyone could say anything against him.

"Go with the flow? Theodore!" Alvin interjected."This person stole our journals filled with private secrets, and has probably read through then and had a right laugh about us!! If you won't help me, I'll find out who did this myself!"

"You? Find out who did this?" mocked Brittany. "You can barely find your own socks when they're right in front of you."

"They sound just like a married couple," Simon whispered to the others. They snickered.

"How would you know? And I want to find out whoever stole our journals, even if it's the last thing I do." continued Alvin, oblivious to the sniggering.

"But don't you think we should just wait-" suggested Brittany.

"Oh, just shut it, you sound exactly like the person who took them."

She gasped.

"Why you- how dare you accuse me!!"

Oh no. This was becoming a full-blown argument.

"Alright, let's not argue-" Jeanette tried to break them up.

"You stay out of this, Jeanette!!"

"Let's go-" Eleanor hissed to Simon and Theodore. They knew their siblings, this was going to blow over in either 5 minutes, 1 hour, or 12 decades. Place your bet.


"While they're fighting, why don't we solve a few clues?" suggested Theodore.

"But the next stop is Miss Croner's basement. We can't go without them, can we?" asked Eleanor.

"Sure we can, they argue all the time." said Theodore knowingly.

"Then let's go." said Simon.

They went outside by the front door, Theodore carrying a notebook and pencil. It was mildly cold, the wind blowing in their faces. They headed over to Miss Croner's.

"Okay, so, Theodore will distract Miss Croner, and me and Eleanor will go over and make an entrance to her basement. Then Theodore will head 'round the back, and enter through that way."

"Got it." Theodore and Eleanor agreed.

Theodore knocked in the door, whole Simon and Eleanor went behind the house.

"There's.. Already a way in?"

The back door was open, and three was a note attached to it.

The note had arrows leading in different directions, which looked like it led straight to the basement.

"So we wouldn't get lost. Though the directions are a bit confusing," said Eleanor.

"Not too much. Just follow the arrows around. It looks like it's been done very accurately." Simon commented. "We should wait for Theodore."

When Theodore arrived, they explained everything and followed around the arrows, getting lost a few times. It was a weird and confusing route, taking longer paths around Miss Croner's house.

But eventually, they got there.

"Here we are." said Theodore.

Her basement was filled with lots of paint, stale cat food, thrown away cereal, rotten fruit - and it stunk like hell in there.

"Well this is gross." muttered Eleanor.

There was a note attached to a can of stale cat food, reading 'I need all The Chipmunks had Chipettes here.'

'So it needs all of us." pointed out Theodore.

"They're probably still fighting. Alvin will most likely text me to ask where I am after it's blown over. So what do we do until then?" said Simon.

"Well, we can try find out who it is." suggested Eleanor. "Simon, I think you're doing all this.

"And why is that?" he asked calmly.

"Well, it's pretty obvious. You're the only one here who knows morse code."

Simon pulled out his phone. He searched up 'morse code'.

There were the results - a picture of each letter, punctuation, and sign with its morse translation.

This was heftily embarrassing for Eleanor.

"O-oh.. Sorry Simon." she apologized.

"It's alright." he said bluntly.

Suddenly, his phone chimed.

"Alvin just texted me."

AlvinS: where r u?!

SimonS: Miss Croner's basement.

AlvinS: Without us?!

SimonS: well we weren't gonna wait for you to finish your quarrel.

AlvinS: haha very funny

SimonS: come over with Brittany and Jeanette. We'll be by her back door.

AlvinS: got it

"I've told them to come over and wait by the back door. We'll take the note and guide them through."

The Journal Thief {read desc}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon