Soulmate AU (oneshot)

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In this world, everyone is given a soulmate. They're connected to them the day they're born. At the 16th birthday, they are given a soulmark. The soulmate has the exact same mark, but the mark will first appear grey. If you'll never find your soulmate, your soulmark will always stay grey. But if you do find them, and you touch them, your marks will glow up and get color. The day you both got your soulmark, you will share all the pain the other person feels. Mentally, and physically. They will also share their other feelings like happiness, despair, pity, everything. The stronger feeling will always be the one both people feel. If one person feels a bit down, and their soulmate is extremely happy, they will both become happy. On the other hand, if the first person is really, really sad, and their soulmate was a bit happy, then they'll both feel sad.

*Noob's POV*
*at his 16th birthday*

I woke up, feeling... weird. I didn't know why, I just felt... numb? It was my birthday! I was supposed to jump out of my bed and run down the stairs, but no. I just felt numb.

Then, I remembered. Since it was my 16th birthday, I had my soulmark now! I looked at my arm, and there it was. A heart, divided into two sites. One was black, and looked a bit crumbled. The other one was white, and looked pretty normal. I felt concerned, did the other site represent my soulmate? Is that why I feel so numb? I really wanted to know who my soulmate was, and how I could help them.

At the same time, I was scared. What if my soulmate was not the person I wanted?

I shook my head. My soulmate is the person I am literally made for! Of course I will like them, what am I thinking?

„Noob! What are you waiting for? Come downstairs! It's your birthday!"

I slowly got up, still not feeling too excited. But as I got downstairs, my mood changed. The whole living room was decorated with my favorite colors, yellow, blue and green. On the dining table was a huge birthday cake and lots of presents. It looked like I overwrote my soulmates numbness, and I knew that I was even able to make them feel happy now!

„Mom! You did such a great job decorating! And the cake! Wow!"

„Well, I'm not home most of the time, so I thought now, that I have actually a whole day with you, I could make it all look really cool! And it's your 16th birthday, which is even more special, since you have your soulmark now."

I nodded. My mom was really the best!!

„Thank you, mom!"

„No problem, noob", she said with a smile on her face.

„Did you already get your mark?"

I nodded and I felt kind of bad. I was pretty sure that the black, crumbled site represented my soulmate. I felt bad for them... I still showed it to her.

„That... Doesn't look too good if I'm being honest."

„Yeah, I felt really weird this morning. I think my soulmate doesn't feel too well."

She nodded understanding.

„Just try to stay happy, that way you can help your soulmate too! And also, please be careful, okay? I heard that murderer is going around again, killing bullies."

„Of course, mom! You know I'm not a bully, that person won't go after me."

*at school*

As I entered my school, my happiness was not really there anymore. Most people here hate me for some unknown reason, and I also have a lot of bullies.

Good, that this murderer is killing them.

Wait, wait, wait. What was I thinking? Even if they're bullies, they still shouldn't die! They could change!

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Where stories live. Discover now