Chapter 3.

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*one day later*
*Guest666's POV (like always lol)*

As I reached the school, I was really excited to see noob again. Of course I was, he's the first friend I've ever had! I was ten minutes early, but I didn't really mind. I stood in front of the classroom, and opened the door. What I saw... kinda shocked me.

„You're so goddamn stupid, y'know?", someone said and pushed noob on the floor.
„W-What did I do now again...?", he asked almost crying. That dude kicked him in the stomach and noob coughed blood. There was another guy standing beside him and laughing his ass off, I already absolutely hated them.
„HeY!", I shouted at them, I realized that it was happening again, so I just tried to control it and not take over me. Luckily, I didn't change to the red eyed monster yet. It stopped.
„Let him go!" The first guy turned around to look at me, while I was standing there, hoping that noob was okay. „G-Guest!", he said, still crying a bit.
„Ooh, you're the new kid, right?", he asked with an evil smirk. I slowly nodded.
„And you're a guest, hahaha. You want me to stop doing that to your little friend? Make me"
I stepped forward and punched him in the stomach. He was taken back for two seconds or so, then he just said:
„Welp, I should've known that guests like you are weak." He calls me weak? I mean,, I'm not really strong but am I that weak? Then, he just punched me directly in the face. It hurt like hell... But I needed to get noob out of there!
So I just ran up to him and helped him to get up as fast as I could, and then ran away with him. Luckily, they didn't follow us. I don't know why though. But I don't think they're done with us yet...
At the schoolyard, I panted and looked at noob.
„T-Thank you, guest... But... T-They're gonna be after you now! They'll make your life a living hell!", he explained to me, worried about me...?
„It's okay, noob. I'm used to it.", I just answered to him.
„Wait, so you've been bullied aswell..?" I looked away and nodded.
„That's why I changed classes. I would've changed schools if I could, but the next school is two hours away from here. I had no other choice really." He looked worried. Then he smiled. „But we're friends now! It'll be okay if we always help each other, right?", he asked me. I couldn't help but smile, he was just so innocent and cute-

What am I thinking again?

I blushed, but I had to admit to myself that he was indeed really cute. He looked confused.
„U-Uh, yeah. Let's go back to class, I think it'll start in a few minutes.", He nodded and followed me.

*after school cuz we all hate it and idk what to write*

„H-Hey, guest?", noob asked me.
„Hm? What is it?"
„Do you wanna come to my place...? It's friday, you could maybe even sleep there... only if you want to, of course...", I could see that he was kinda blushing and was a bit embarrassed aswell. I was surprised, but I'd really love to come to his place, if I was being honest. We've known each other for just a day, and we're already best friends. „U-Uhm, yeah... I'd really like to. But, you can't come to my place, since I'm living in an orphanage, and... Yeah they all really hate me there." He smiled and hugged me.
Oh shit-

Why is he so cute???

I blushed again and hugged him back.
„Let's go then!! My house isn't far from here, plus, my mom is almost never home, so that won't be a problem!" I nodded and followed him, and couldn't help but smile again. I was really glad that I had a real friend now!

*at noobs house*

Noob had a small, but comfy home. „Wanna eat something?", he asked me and went to the kitchen. „Uh... I don't know, I'm not that hungry to be honest." „Hmm"
There was an awkward silence for a moment since we both didn't know what to do next.
„You... Wanna go to my room? Or, maybe we could watch some tv, I don't know."
„Hmm, let's just go to your room first, maybe we wanna watch some tv after that." He smiled and ran upstairs, I followed him. His room was kinda small but it looked really cool. Noob sat down on his bed and I did the same. We talked for, like a hour or so. It also wasn't awkward anymore.
„Gueeeest...", said noob and sighed. „I'm hungry, can we pleaaase eat something?", it looked like he really was hungry, so I just nodded. „Mhm, we can do that."

*after eating cuz idk*

„Sooo, guest??"
„U-Uh,, yeah?"
„Are you going to stay here tonight? That'd be sooooo cool!!"
Noob smiled and, ugh, he was just so cute, I couldn't say no! Oh god, I thought that he's cute again, we're just friends! What am I thinking???

I blushed, looked away and nodded. He didn't have to see how embarrassed I was.
„YEEESS!!", he shouted and hugged me again. I fell over and noob was on top of me now. I blushed even more now. Noob blushed aswell.
There was the awkward silence again.
Then suddenly, noob started laughing and after a while I did the same.
„Oh god, I-I'm so sorry guest, I-„, he tried to apologize but kept laughing.
After he calmed down, he stood up and helped me to stand up aswell. I was still kinda blushing, and I didn't know why.

What's going on with me...??

*at 9 PM*

„I'm tired, guest... Let's sleep." I was kinda disappointed that it was already over, though I had to admit that I was kinda tired myself.
„Yeah... Do you have a guest room or... should I sleep on the couch?"
„I do have a guest room, but it's really cold there... sleeping on the couch also isn't really better..."
I had a stupid thought for a moment, but I could never do that, eveeer. That'd be way too risky and stupid and-
„Or... maybe you wanna sleep in my bed...? W-With me...?"
Oh god, I'm sure I was blushing like crazy right now. After noob realized what he asked he blushed aswell.
I know what y'all are thinking rn, but I'm NOT gonna write smut, and they're just talking about sleeping in the same bed, okay??? Please don't ask me to write smut, I just wanna keep this a story with lots of fluff and angst ;-;
„O-Oh, I-I'm sorry... T-That was stupid, I-„
„N-No, it's ok... But... uhhhh... I-I wouldn't really mind that."



„Uhm, okay...? I guess you're gonna sleep then in my bed!"
He somehow stopped being awkward and I was really surprised that he didn't hate me now.
„Well, if you're really ok with it then, yeah..."
He just nodded again, with a little smile on his face.

This is a long, but kinda crappy chapter. Idk why, but when I read it it just feels rushed. Anddddd, yeah it overall isn't really good. And I also don't know if that with sleeping in the same bed in chapter 3 is ok or just an absolutely stupid idea, buuut. Yeah in fanfictions it's always way too fast so who cares lol. Anyways, hope you kinda enjoyed this crappy chapter, and I'm gonna see you hopefully again in my next chapter, my nonexistent readers.
(I'm at chapter 3 rn and don't have a single read so yeah)

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✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Where stories live. Discover now