Chapter 5.

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*Guest 666's POV*

I was walking from the orphanage to school, and, oh my god. I was so fucking tired I couldn't even walk properly. I hoped I wasn't the only person who's like this on Mondays...

*at school bc I don't know what else to write about going to school lol*

I entered the classroom, just to see noob getting bullied again. „Just let him alone, please", I tried to ask him. I knew it wouldn't work, but I had to at least try it. „Ugh, it's you again.", he kicked noob a last time and then went to his seat, looking a bit pissed off. I didn't understand why he suddenly decided to stop, but maybe it was because class started in three minutes? I don't know. I don't have a good feeling though...

„Hey, you okay, noob?", I asked and helped him to get up.
„Uhm, y-yeah I'm fine. Thanks.", he looked confused at the bully. (I'm bad at names, so let me just name them bullies)
Then we just went to our seats.

*after school*
*noob's POV*

As I went with guest to our lockers, I saw a little letter in it.
„What is that?", asked guest. I didn't know so I just shrugged and opened it.

„Meet me at the roof after school. I know something about your „friend" that you do not. Please come, it is important."

About guest? I don't understand, what could someone like guest do, and why is it so important? I didn't fully believe this letter, but I was curious. There was a chance that it's real, right?
„Uhm, guest? I-I have to go... To the... Restroom real quick! C-Can you wait here please?", he looked really confused.
„Yeah? But what did the letter say?", I felt kinda bad for lying to my friend about it, but if this letter was real, he shouldn't see it.
„Oh, that was just a stupid prank, nothing more.", I explained and put on a fake smile.
He just shrugged.
„Ok, ok. But be back quickly, okay?"
„Yup, it isn't gonna take long!"

I still felt bad, especially since it could be way longer than I expected, but I said I needed to go to the restroom, it'd be suspicious if I'd say something else now, right? So I just ran to the roof, hoping it was just a prank or something and that everything's alright with guest.

At the roof, I saw someone I didn't expect to see.
„Y-You? What are you doing here??", I asked the bully.
„You said you knew something about guest... Right?", he just turned around, and looked at me with a creepy grin. I noticed that he had a knife in his hand...

H-He isn't gonna hurt me with that... is he??

Suddenly, he ran up to me and tried to stab me, but I jumped back. He still cut my arm open, and it hurt soo goddamn much... I was shivering, and really shocked. I felt like my arm was about to fall off.
Then, I got pushed back by another person.
„G-Guest...?!", I couldn't believe guest was here! I was really glad he was though, since I didn't know what would have happened if not.
„WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!", he yelled at the bully. „Chill, dude. I was just trying to hand him this knife but he fell and somehow cut his arm open."

If that wasn't a believable lie, then I really don't know. But what really pissed me off was that he could lie at a moment like that and not even look stressed out or anything, even though it was really obvious that he was lying. He really was a psychopath.

He was getting possessed again.

„H-Hey, guest! I-I'm okay now, really. Please calm down, okay?", I tried to calm him down, but he was already turning pitch black and his eyes turned red.
„W-What in the world... Are you??", the bully looked seriously scared, and... I was kinda proud of guest. But he shouldn't stay in this form, I didn't know what he was capable of like this. He clearly wasn't fully possessed yet, he never was till now.
„Guest, look at me! I'm okay. Let's please just go home, okay?", slowly but surely, he turned back to normal and looked me worried into the eyes.
„A-Are you sure?? You're bleeding like crazy! We should bring you to the school nurse first. And report this psychopath."
My arm just was just bleeding worse every second, and it also didn't stop hurting. I couldn't even really concentrate, the pain was just too high. I decided that it'd be a good idea if we'd go to the school nurse.
„Yeah. But the school won't kick him out. He's the kid of the principal after all."
„O-Oh, I didn't know that..."
We looked around, but the bully already left.


Ooh, I'm updating like crazy rn!! Idk how long this will last though. Anyways, do y'all have ideas for names for the bully? If I were to name him, his name would probably be something like bob lol. Anyways, thank you for reading, byee!

896 words

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Where stories live. Discover now