Chapter 4.

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*11:13 AM*
*Guest666's POV*

I felt something warm next to me.

I didn't know my pillow was that comfy...

But then, the „pillow" started to move around a bit.

What the-

I opened my eyes to see what that „pillow" was and-

Uhm yeah, that was noob.

I had my arms around him and it looked like I nuzzled into his neck while I was sleeping. I blushed like crazy, but I honestly didn't want to get up. Noob started to yawn and opened his eyes. He looked me directly into the eyes, and a few moments later he blushed aswell.
„U-Uhm... Guest?? What are you doing...?"
I was so embarrassed, I didn't know what to say.
„U-Uhm, so.... Yeah, I-I don't know... i-it was just... k-kinda comfy.... And as I w-was sleeping, I-I thought you w-were.... uh, a pillow???"
Why do I always have to be so awkward!!?
I could've just explained it normally, but nooooo.
He stared at me, then chuckled a bit.
„It's okay, guest. I have to admit, it was really comfy." He genuinely smiled at me.

How the fuck did I even get here-
Like, a few days before we sat next to each other in the classroom!!

„Soo, what do you wanna do now? You don't have to leave yet."
„I don't know. I'm gonna leave in a few hours I think, so we still have some time."
„Okay! Let's eat some breakfast, I'm kinda hungry.", he said. I nodded since I was kinda hungry aswell.
„You wanna eat some pancakes? Or sandwiches?", he asked me.
„Uhm, I don't know. Maybe sandwiches? I think that'd be easier.", he nodded and got up.
I got up aswell to maybe help him or something. He took all the ingredients he needed out of the refrigerator and laid them next to each other. Then he took the sandwich bread and put a lot of ketchup on it, a little bit of lettuce and way too much ham. He clearly wasn't the best in making sandwiches. As he finished, his sandwich looked more like a war of food, and the ketchup was the blood.
„I-I did my best!! It may not look perfect but I'm sure it'll taste even better!!"

I wouldn't be too sure about that-

He took a bite of the sandwich and gulped it down. He shivered a bit but put on an obvious fake smile. „I-Its's super tasty...!", he tried to explain. I just chuckled and tried to make my own. There wasn't much ham left but it was still enough for one sandwich. I tried to not put too much ketchup and ham on it, so that it could also taste like something else. Noob watched me in awe. I was kinda stressed out because of that, but the end result looked pretty decent.
„H-How did you do that?? This sandwich looks so much better than mine!"
„Uhm, I don't know. I think you just shouldn't put too much ketchup on it, it'll taste better with less of it.", Noob still looked kinda jealous because his sandwich clearly wasn't really tasty. I just sighed and cut my sandwich in half.
„Here you go", I said and gave him one half.
He looked happy and took it.
„Thank you, guest!", he said and smiled.
I smiled a bit aswell and we sat down to eat our sandwiches.

*a few hours later*

Ring, ring

My phone rang, I bet it was from the people from the orphanage. Really cool, that they noticed now that I'm gone.
„Guest! Where the fuck are you?!"
„Uhm, I'm at my friends house??"
„I didn't know you had friends, weird. Just come back, you were there long enough now!"
„Yeah, yeah. I'm coming back, no problem."
„Ok, be here in twenty minutes!"

She hung up and I was glad she did. Though, I didn't wanna go back to that place.
„Guest? Who was that?", noob asked.
„It was just someone from the orphanage, I gotta go now..."
„Oh, ok. Let's hang out again someday!"
I nodded and smiled at him.
„Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Goodbye!"
„Goodbye!!!", he waved at me and I waved back. Then I opened the door, took my stuff and left.


That chapter was a bit short, but I kinda like it. Idk what to say now sooooo, thx for reading, goodbye!!

745 words

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя