Chapter 14.

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*Guest 666's POV*

So, I guess I have two more friends now?

Lavender and Acorn, they were both pretty weird, but seemed nice. It looks like they shipped Noob and me before, and kinda like went crazy when we kissed? Well, they're fangirls so I shouldn't be too surprised.

„I wanted to ask Guest if we would go to the cafe, but maybe you two would wanna come with us after school? That way we could get to know each other better."

I would have rather went to the cafe with him alone, but I guess that was a good idea to get to know wach other, I don't know. I've never really had any friends except Noob! Heck if I know!

„Are you really okay with that?", asked Lavender.

„Of course!", Noob answered and smiled. He looked like he was really, really glad to have more friends now. I don't blame him, I am too. No one ever really wanted to be friends with me.

*after school*

„Okay, let's go!", Noob said excitedly.

„Hmm", I answered him.

I wasn't really good at talking with people I don't know too well. But maybe, when we'll go to the cafe I could try to talk a bit. But then I remembered: Lavender was a guest too! Maybe we could talk a bit about guest stuff, I dunno.

*at the cafe*

„Sooo, Guest?", Lavender asked.

„What is it?"

„Since you're a guest too, I'm sure we could be good friends! But you look kind of different from other guests I've seen. Like, I've never really seen one that looks like you."

„Oh, that's because I'm still an old guest, there aren't too many of them left after the update"

„Oooh, that makes sense."

Acorn and Noob looked both kinda confused.

„What do you mean, old guest? Are you older than her and that's why you look different or?", Acorn asked.

„No, a few years back, everyone looked like me. But then an update came and changed most of them. Not me for some reason."

I didn't really know why I didn't change, but it was maybe because of that thing that's been possessing me. I didn't need to tell them that though, they'd flip out.

„But why did you not change?", Noob asked me.

„I dunno."

Then the waitress came with our food. I just got a hot chocolate, while Noob ordered a strawberry cake. Acorn got a chocolate cake and Lavender one too. Don't blame them, chocolate is the best.

„So, here are your orders.", she said and put the food down.

„Thank you.", we all said.

As I expected, it got easier to talk to them from minute to minute. Soon, it felt like we've all been friends for years. But with Noob I was still more than just friends. He sat beside me and talked with Acorn and Lavender about stuff. I looked at him, then continued to talk with them, and of course eat our food. Or drink.

„Do you guys know something about the murderer that's been going around lately by the way? I heard they stopped killing, but the police still doesn't know who the murderer was..."

Oh no-


If they'd find out that I was the murderer-

They wouldn't wanna stay friends with me...!

I sweated and looked away, trying not to act suspiciously. I think I failed though.

„U-Uhm.... N-No?? I d-do not know a-anything a-about it...!"

Noob looked concerned, he was the only other person that knew that I was the murderer. I also started to glitch a bit again, I was slowly getting possessed. But I was able to prevent it from changing my eyes.

„N-No. We both don't know anything, d-don't worry."

Acorn and Lavender looked confused at me.

„Are you okay, Guest?"

„Y-Yes, I am..."

They both looked suspicious of me, but luckily changed the subject.

„Did you guys study for the exam? I surely didn't... It's so easy!", Acorn asked.

I was able to calm down a bit.

„Y-Yes, I did. Not much though.", I said.


*after they were done*

We got out of the cafe as we were done.

„Damn, it's already so late! We really hung out for a while, didn't we?"

„Yup. Looks like we did."

„I think Acorn and I have to go now, we'll see each other again tomorrow! Don't you have to go back to that crappy orphanage though, Guest?"

„U-Uhm, no. I live with Noob now... Kind of..."

They both gasped.

„Really?? Oh my goooooood-"

„That's so cool! You both are just so cute together!"

I blushed slightly and looked away.

„Hmm", was everything I said, I didn't know how to reply to that.

„I know, right?", Noob said and hugged me from the site.

„Oh god, I think I'm dying- Acorn, help me!! They are too cute together-", Lavender dramatically fell on the knees and pretended to be in pain. I actually laughed a bit about that.

„They can never be too cute, Lavender.", Acorn answered.

„You're right!", Lavender said and got up, looking really determined for some reason.

„We gotta go now, bye Lavender, bye Acorn!", Noob said and waved at them.

„Okay, bye! We'll see each other again tomorrow!", Lavender said and waved back.


Okay, I did it yas. Anyways, this chapter isn't even as crappy as I thought it'd be. I just wanna have some more wholesome stuff before it gets angsty again. I mean, there are still some parts when Guest almost gets possessed, but let's just not talk about that. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and thx for reading, byee!

951 words

✔️ Noob x guest/ angst and fluff/ „Possessed"Where stories live. Discover now