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The next day I woke up with my head in Wyatt's lap. His hands were tangled in my hair and he was snoring softly. I smiled as I looked at his cute sleeping face. He shifted a little before his eyes fluttered open. He smiled down at me, a red color tinting his cheeks as he pulled his hands away from my hair

I sat up and smiled at Wyatt, making his eyes glow. He quickly looked away and scratched his neck "Hey, do you wanna do something with me today?" He asked. I bit my lip, and nodded "What do you wanna do?" I tilted my head

"Well, there's this thing called Froyo I wanna try. It looks delicious" He licked his lips. I stood up and nodded "Lets do it!" I went to get changed, and Wynter did my hair (Outfit and hair above ^^) before I met up with Wyatt again

"Here, I'll give you a ride" He smirked, leaning down. I hopped onto his back and latched my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. He put his hands under my thighs to support me, before looking back at me "Hold on tight" He said, before beginning to sprint towards Seabrook

I tightened my grip on him and nuzzled my face into his neck, still not used to the fast running. My hair whipped around crazily, and Wyatt howled as we ran, making me giggle. When we finally got to Seabrook, he set me down, and he wasn't even out of breath or anything

He intertwined our hands and we walked over to the Froyo cart, where Wyatt excitedly looked at the flavors "Could I have peanut butter and bones please?" He smiled at Coach, as he handed him a cup of froyo "May I please have Strawberry?" And Coach gave me a strawberry froyo

Wyatt went to pay, but Coach shook his head, saying it was on the house for The Great Alpha. We thanked him and sat down at a small table. When Wyatt took his first bite of froyo, lit face lit up, as he shoved another spoonful into his mouth "This is so good!"

"I know, right?" I laughed as he quickly finished his froyo, and he wiped his face off. When I finished mine, he asked me what I wanted to do. I looked at the floor "Do you think you could teach me some werewolf stuff? I've got a lot to learn" He lifted my chin up to face him, our faces only inches apart

"Of course I can teach you some werewolf stuff. You don't have to be embarrassed to ask, I mean, you are the Great Alpha after all" He smiled, showing off his fangs. I bit my lip and we headed to the forest "I usually teach the pups using childish type games and stuff. I don't think you want to do that..." He trailed off

"Childish games like what?" I tilted my head "Hide n seek is one of them" He smirked "Lets do it" I nodded "What?" "Hide n seek. Lets do it. I'm great at that" He shrugged, laughing at me "You're gonna need to track my scent to find me" He said, holding his wrist up to me

"What do you want me to do with that?" I asked "Sniff it. You've got to learn the scent some how" I blushed and brought his wrist up to his nose, sniffing it. He smelled like maple syrup. I got a good whif of his scent before letting go of his hand. He smirked at me before making a run for it "Count to 20" I heard his voice echo through the woods, making me laugh

I silently counted to 20, before taking off "I'm coming!" I yelled. The werewolf speed I was sinking around at was relaxing. I felt at one with nature. I felt my eyes glow as I let out a happy howl. I heard the faint echo of the pack's howls. I came to a stop, before bending down and sniffing around. It wasn't long before I picked up the scent

"Here we go" I smirked. I sniffed around until I found a trail of the scent and started running again, following it. I leaped over a fallen tree, jumping straight over it, knowing I would've tripped if I hadn't transformed. I skidded to a stop, making a sharp left turn when the scent changed

I ran around for about five more minutes until the scent stopped. I looked around, confused until I heard chuckling from above me. My head whipped upwards, seeing Wyatt in the tree. He dropped down, knocking me to the ground with him straddling my waist. We both burst out laughing at the situation, and when I looked up at him again, wiping the tears from my eyes, I saw him looking at me with a look I had never seen before

He leaned down, his face barely two inches from mine, making my breath catch in my throat "May I?" He whispered. I wasn't able to speak, so I just nodded. Slowly his soft lips pressed against my own. I didn't actually register what was happening until he started pulling away because of my lack of response, so quickly, I grabbed his collar, pulling his lips back against my own

He reached his hand up to cup my cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb. Suddenly I felt like my face got shocked, and we both pulled away quickly "Did you feel that?" I asked as he looked at my face in awe "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" He shook his head and grabbed my hand, standing us up, and pulling us towards a nearby river

"Look" He pointed to the water. I looked at my reflection, confused until I saw it. The same marks that Wyatt had on his cheek, but on mine. I wiped at my cheek, but it seemed they were permanent "What does this mean" I looked over to him "I think this makes me your mate" He bit his lip, making me smile

"Really?" "Really" He nodded, once again grabbing my hand "Lets announce this to the pack!" We ran back to the cave, telling the pack about what happened. They all cheered as Wyatt and I kissed again

A few years later
Wyatt and I got married, having a wedding that was free to all of Seabrook. Wyatt started helping me lead the pack, and that's basically how it is now. Everyone in Seabrook learned to accept Zombies and Werewolves for who they were and it became integrated. Since then Zed and Addison got married and Bree and Gonzo have been dating

We've really been through a lot in this small town, but it's what we all call home, and that's what its really about in the first place. Seabrook is never a boring town, and its always gonna be that way, but at least it will keep evolving as a town (Hopefully for the better)

The End

Oh my gosh guys, this ending sucked, but seriously, it was the best I could do.... Thank you all for reading my book, and I hoped you all like it. Please leave a comment!! I love feedback, or even just what you thought about this. Once again, thank y'all

Where I belong (Wyatt Lykensen)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن