Chapter 45 - {End (1/2)}

Start from the beginning

I went to what I think eret's castle. I begun searching. A solid nothing.

I froze when I hear talking. I hid behind a wall before looking straight through the hallway of the throne. To find Eret and Dream talking.

"She knows my real name. How is that possible?"

"You haven't told anyone your real name, right?"

"Yes that's right."

If I go to either one of the doors I'll get spotted. Fuck. I'm screwed.

I don't wanna hear their talks. Because I know they are talking about me!

Ughh! I hate this!..

"I'll be back later, eret. Remember the plan."

"Of course, dream."

Okay. So they are just confused that I know dream's real name. Cool. Now can I get out of here?

I heard dream's footsteps going away.

"I know you're there, (Y/N)." Eret spoke.

I froze.

"The floor is literally giving you away, you know?" He added.

I stayed quiet.

"(Y/N). No need to hide."

I curse under my breath. But before I step a foot. I look behind me to see him.

"I told you, you're not sneaky enough." He said before leaning on the wall beside him.

I sighed. Before glaring at him.

"What are you doing here?" He added.

"I need some ender pearls." I said looking away from him.

"So you came in my castle to STEAL ender pearls?"

"I didn't find any in here."

"What are you gonna do with ender pearls?"

"Can a girl just teleport everywhere? And me and techno are gonna do the ender pearl strategy. You know? The machine?"

"Alright. But I'm gonna talk to techno first."

"No-no-no-no-no-No! Me and Phil are gonna surprise techno with the machine."

"Oh really? Dream is right. You're really bad at lying. Why do you want the ender pearls?"

I sighed. "I need to go to the end."

"Why are you going to the end?"

"I just wanna experience the end life."


"Eret please! Can I have at least 7 pearls? Please!"

He reach something in his back pocket and hand me a small sack. I look inside the sack to notice ender pearls inside. I look up at him again.

"Thank you, Eret! I owe you big one!"

He just nodded. I smiled at him before running away.

Now to the nether. Go get blaze rods.


I got to the nether, in my castle. I got greeted by my people, here and there. I opened the gates and notice all of the leaders in each sections are fighting.

I sighed in frustration. Seriously?!

I slammed my hand on the table. They looked at my direction and bowed.

"Where's rian?" I said colder than ever.

"In the walls, your highness." I heard him say as I scan the walls to notice him on the left side, taped on the wall on a T position.

"Who put you there?"

He looked at all the leaders, one by one.

"I come here to see you guys gambling on each other. Then you even put my assistant on a goddamn wall. I want everyone out of this castle! NOW!" I yelled causing them to stand up quickly and run out.

The table slowly descend down to the floor.

I click my fingers. And start going to my throne. I heard Rian jump down from the floor before walking to me.

"Bring me 12 blaze rods. I need to go somewhere." I said before sitting down on the golden throne.

He nodded before going out.

I can't even go somewhere without those idiots, fighting like children.

Calm down (Y/N)

We wouldn't want you throwing anger now, would we?

Sometimes I hate you guys.



I rolled my eyes before leaning my back on the throne.

Couple of minutes later. I heard the gates opened to notice the black skeleton with a bunch of blaze rods in hands.

I got out of the throne before grabbing the blaze rods in his hands.

"Where are you going, your highness?"

"Somewhere far. But I'm still gonna come back. Don't worry. Tell everyone the kingdom is closed for a week or so or until I come back."

"Yes your highness."

I put the rods in my bag and headed out of the kingdom.

I'm not gonna waste time.

The end is coming.

We're close.

End, we're coming.

Dream? Who's Dream? (Dream X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now