Chapter 9 - {A ride to the valley}

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'DreamWasTaken sends you a message'

What does Dream need to say now? I sighed, unlocking my phone and going to the messages.


-Hey. It's great to play with you much more. And I didn't think you're that great at lying. Oh and you actually broke Bad.

Oh. Oops! Haha I actually didn't
mean too but ehh. Tbh it's fun
playing with you and stuff-

-I have a plan. Can you be one of the hunters in one of my speedrunning video? It's alright if you said no.

Dream. Are you serious?
Are you actually serious? Like
serious, serious?-

-Yeah I am

I'll think about it but I know
I'll say sure. Well I need to do some
shopping, groceries and such-

-Ok bye! Cya Rain


I turned my phone off and threw it on the bed. I turned my computer off and went to take another bath.

After that I change into new clothes and do my make-up. Going downstairs when I'm done and went to the kitchen to find the list.

I groaned not finding it and saw a paper next to the fridge. I take a look at it.

'I did the groceries. Take Esmeralda and Hood on a walk, they like you better than me. You can take Angelo with you since he's old enough to ride. - Dad'.

I smiled reading it again. I went upstairs, going to Angelo's room. "OH CMON! I ALMOST HAD IT!" Someone yelled on a room beside Angelo's.

I opened the door looking at my older adopted brother, Michael. I laughed seeing that he died on a 1 health bar guy on COD.

"Well good to see you screaming on a game again" I said giggling. "I AM STRESSED! (Y/N) GET OUT!" He yelled again.

I laughed again before closing the door. He was always stressed at work so he can't always relax and do what he always want, play video games and scream on top of his lungs.

I got to Angelo's room in time before he screamed again. I looked at him, just looking at the window down at the stables.

"Hey gelo" I said softly, he turned his head and smiled at me. "So dad said, we can go ride Esme and Hood."

I added seeing his smile widen even more. "REALLY?!" He yelled. I nodded and saw him jump down to the floor and grabbed my hand pulling me out the door.

"Let's go! Let's go!" He said happily still pulling me. I chuckled and let him pull me to the kitchen then the back door. Pulling me still, passing Willie to Esme's stable. I said hi to Willie before walking pass him. He waved back and went back to do his job.

After 10 minutes, I already put the saddle on both Esme and Hood's back. I carried Angelo and put him on Esme's back and I went to Hood's.

I smiled at Angelo and nodded at him. He smiled back before grabbing the reigns and clicked his foot on Esme's side before clicking his tongue, making her go forward.

I smiled and does to same for Hood. Angelo looked back at me before smirking and click his foot to her side again, making her run to the forest.

"Oh cmon!" I smirked and does the same to Hood making him run, doing it twice to make him run faster.

I outrun Angelo and Esme. But he made Esme go faster and now we're neck to neck. We went to a field, making both of the horses slow down.

We went to the nearest river and I got off Hood and help Angelo to get off Esme so the two can relax and drink water. I smiled looking at the familiar flower field not so far from there.

I grabbed Angelo's hand and we ran to the flower field. I stopped at the outskirts of the field while Angelo ran to it, smelling some flowers and running around it.


I was running around the field, smelling lilies, some daisies and orchids all around.

I smiled looking at the old, big cherry blossom tree from a tiny hill. Looking at the two figures, Mom and Dad.

I looked around not seeing my brother then out of nowhere flower petals were raining on top of me. I looked up to see the tall chocolate haired, blue eyed guy, Michael.

I giggled and looking at the color of the petals before they reached on the ground. Blue, red, white, pink and yellow are all the colors of the petals.

I smiled again then he carried me to his shoulder, me holding onto his hair and pressing my stomach on his head. We walked to Mom and Dad.

Mom was rubbing her big stomach. She was pregnant and Dad, he was sleeping leaning on the tree with mom on his chest.

I giggled and pulled on Michael's hair softly. Him carrying me down on the ground, I sat on the left of Dad and lean my head on his arm falling asleep.

*end of flashback*

I frowned at the now chopped tree on the small hill. I sighed. Memories.. I looked at Angelo, still playing. "Angelo, we need to go back!" I yelled before doing a whistle.

Angelo was running back to me and I looked behind me, seeing the two horses running to us. I rubbed both of their noses before looking at Angelo.

"Up!" He said in front of me making grabby motions with his hand. I chuckled and carried him sitting him on Esme's back. I went to Hood's and now we're walking back to the house.

Once we saw the house. A figure was leading on the door to the stables, looking at our direction.

We got to the stables and got off the horses, me helping Angelo. The figure walked towards us "Hey dad!" Angelo said before running to him hugging his legs. I took Hood's saddle off, same with Esme's before leading them to their stables. I walked with dad and Angelo inside the house.

This is definitely the greatest day.

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