Chapter 14 - {The duel}

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Everyone in the DreamSMP was watching and streaming at mine and techno's duel. I'm kinda nervous since this is like the God of Blood and after this I have to hunt the green man. I'm so nervous!

I wasn't streaming and so is techno. So we're just eyeing the flying players on our 'cages' while we are getting ready.

And the hosts are Dream and the infamous MrBeast. I keep on eyeing them as I grip on my sword and crossbow tightly.

Wilbur and Tommy were circling me while Tubbo, Niki and Eret were just watching them.

"(Y/N), don't be nervous you're just fighting the blade that's it." Tommy said. I glared at him "Yeah? Well you go fight him!" "Wait! NoNoNOnOno! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" He said again.

I chuckled. "Nah I'm just joking 'cause I know you'll never defeat him" I giggled. "Hey! Not poggers!" He yelled making all of us laugh. "Well you gotta get ready, (Y/N)" I heard Niki on my back.

I turned and smiled at her. "Go (Y/N)! Go (Y/N)!" Tubbo now cheered which made everyone cheered as well. I smile at them.

"Thanks guys". I let out a sigh and watch them got teleported outside of the 'cage'.

I was now eyeing Techno through the glass just looking at him. He caught me staring and just glared back. I smirked. Hearing MrBeast and Dream count in sync.




The glass door disappeared. I walked to the middle while Techno was running.

I reach the middle and now me and him are eyeing each other. Waiting for who takes the first move. 2 minutes had passed and none of us moved yet.

The streamers were just eyeing us. I'm getting tired of this. I growled and pulled my loaded crossbow and shot him. Hitting his chest. While he was distracted with the arrow I ran to him.

I got critical hits on him. But he moved back from me where I can't reach him. Everyone was screaming mine and techno's name.

I loaded my crossbow but was then hit by him causing it to went flying to a pillar. I blocked most his attacks. But he wasn't done hitting me. I took a glance at his eyes. Bloodshot. Anger. He's hungry for blood. I got away from him quickly before he could kill me. 5 hearts left. His on 4.

He ran after me so I continue running pillar after pillar. But he was dead on my trail. "Fuck." I mumbled and turned around hitting him once making him fall from the ground. 3  and a half.

I took this chance to hit him but before I did, he quickly stand up making me run. I grabbed my crossbow from the ground and loaded it. He was running at me while I'm struggling on loading it.

I got it loaded and just shot him directly on the head. He was 3 feet away from me. My eyes widen as he turned into smoke and saw him spawning on his cage. I dropped down on the ground still shocked.

He was definitely scary. Wilbur and Eret teleported by my side and put their hands on each of my shoulder. I was then escorted back to my 'cage' and yet the L'manberg troops including Eret was there, just looking at me.

"You looked like you just had a trauma." Tubbo said. I slowly turned to him. "That pink bastard was hungry for blood. Like he literally want to murder me in real life!" I said still eyeing him.

I felt someone rubbed my back and I looked at her, Niki. She smiled at me. "Don't say that. Techno is actually a pretty friendly guy. Just don't get on his bad side." She said smiling. I weakly smiled back before eating a golden apple to regain my health.

I cleaned my sword and loaded my crossbow. I looked towards techno. He's glaring at me. I bit my lips. "Don't look at him in the eyes" I mumbled softly and chanting it like 10x. I looked at the wall on the back. It had a '1' in it. Must be the scores.

I sighed as the others got teleported out again and now the glass are started to disappear. I took my crossbow on my back and grabbed on my sword tightly.

The duel was still going for the last 5 hours and we're still in round 4. It was 2 and 2. We are tied still and tired on the last 3 rounds. The 2nd round lasted for 50 mins. The 3th round was 2 hours then the 4th round was the tiring it lasted for 2 and a half. I was tired and so is techno.

But we are still fighting. Taking hits here and there. Bowing each other. And for the last 50 mins. No one died yet. Well I was running left and right while techno was chasing me. He was actually a pretty scary guy not gonna lie.

I was running to my sword since techno managed to threw it far away from me while I was blocking some of his attacks I was on 2 hearts while he was on 5. I might actually lose to this. I managed to got my sword back. And started blocking his hits.

I cursed under my breath and let my adrenaline kicked in. I managed to push techno out of my range and ran after him. Then everything blacked out.

Dream? Who's Dream? (Dream X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя