Chapter 22 - {Manberg}

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(Dream's POV)

I stared at the pastel blue figure hiding behind a small hill across the podium. You really think I would teamed up with Schlatt, don't you?. I just smirked and just keep on looking at her. After the speech, the figure ran away.

(Your POV)

I was looking everywhere for Schlatt, on the podium, on his house, I even went to the top of eret's tower and saw no Schlatt on the ground. Are you kidding me?.

I was sitting on the side of the podium. When something heavy hugged me from the back.

I looked behind and saw the blonde Niki. "W-why are you here?" She said softly. I sighed. "I'm planning to team with Schlatt so I would know if Tubbo is serious about teaming with him." I said quietly.

"Are you sure about it?" Eret said behind Niki. I looked up at him and nods. "Eret, what happened when Schlatt said his first degree?" I added. "Well.."


After the first degree and (Y/N) running to Wilbur and Tommy.

"Tubbo- where's Tubbo? where's Tubbo?" Schlatt questioned while looking at the audience.

"I'm right here!" Tubbo yelled "Tubbo, get up here! Get up here on my podium!" Schlatt yelled again making Eret uncomfortable. Tubbo hesitated a bit. "C'mon Tobbo, you're the Secretary of State." He said. "Wait- what- Okay... Wa- I'm Secreta- am I?" Tubbo softly said.

"Yeah! He's always been that, right fellas?" Schlatt said again making everyone cheer for Tubbo on the audience except Eret.

"Uh, yeah... yeah that's- I didn't know I got to keep-" Tubbo eyed Eret. "Well I'm not gonna fire you! I mean you're Tubbo! What- am I really gonna fire Tubbo?" Schlatt smiled looking at the small teen.

"Uh... okay." Tubbo said looking back at the new president. "Tubbo get up here. Now." The goat man said with his serious tone.

"Um...okay, I'm on my way" Tubbo said standing up climbing the hill beside the podium "I don't think he wants the job!" Quackity said.

"Quackity shut up!" Schlatt yelled on his face making Quackity close his mouth and just look down. "I do want the job! I'm on my way!" Tubbo yelled finally reaching the stage.

"Tubbo come on..." Eret softly said looking at the teen stand beside the goat man. "Oh he wants the job." Schlatt said patting the back of Tubbo.

"Good day Mr President." He bowed down facing Schlatt. "Here take my- take my spot at the podium!" He said making Tubbo stand in front of him.

"I love this guy!" He yelled said before chuckling. "Ohh my very own Tubbo... Tubbo. As my Secretary of State- as my right hand man; of L'Manberg... I need you to do something for me Tubbo."

"What Mr President?" He softly said facing the tall guy behind him. "I need you to find Tommy. And I need you to show him the door." Schlatt said smirking at the teen. "Yes. Mr. President". He said before gripping on his axe hard.


"And that's all." Eret said. "W-what?. How could Tubbo agree? I-i-." I got interrupted by Niki hugging me tighter.

"What are you doing here, SoftRain?" Shiver went down my spine and looked behind me to find the goat man with Quackity and the blond teen, Tubbo.

"I wanted to join Manberg." I said before standing up making Niki let go of me. "And why?" Tubbo now said.

"Those two abandoned me, Wilbur and Tommy. They abandoned me after everything I done to them! I protected them and they left me in the dust!. I wanted to tell you guys about it earlier but you were having a speech so I didn't want to ruin your moment, Mr. President." I said before looking directly in Schlatt's eyes. He just nodded.

"Then tell me what,where or how, they are right now." Schlatt said. "They told me to stay in one place. So I stayed there. I was hunting pigs and cows for food. I was living there for 2 days and I thought to myself they aren't gonna come for me. So I went here. I heard you were changing the name of this country so I wanted to join. I want to be your royal knight. Mr. President. At the tree I was staying. They went north and I didn't see them again." I said.

"Quackity, call dream. Let's test this girl." Schlatt said making Quackity ran towards the Dream side. I smirked, I know Niki and Eret are just eyeing me down. But I didn't care.

I looked at Tubbo. His eyes were filled of shock and fear. He wasn't expecting Schlatt to agree quickly.

Few minutes passed and we saw Quackity with the Dream Team.

Once they saw me, George was shocked, Sapnap was smirking and Dream, well you wouldn't see his reaction because of his mask. He slightly tilted his head to the side like he's confused.

I smiled devilish to them before turning to Schlatt again. "On your que, Mr. President." I said softly. I can feel the shivers George and Niki were feeling.

He turned to the green guy. "Dream, I want you to duel Ms. Rain here so I would know if she's worthy enough." He said.

Dream jumped a bit after his sentence. I just smirked "Why? Are you afraid of me, green man?" I said

"Ok out of character for a moment! How could I fight her if she literally beat Technoblade in a 1v1?!" He yelled making everyone laugh.

"Oh you're just scared~!" I said. He glared at me.

Before shaking his head and turned to Schlatt. "Sure why not Schlatt." He said. I smirked at him.

Quackity and Tubbo went to the stands and moved the chairs to the side. Me and Dream went the opposite side from each other and just eyed each other.

I unbelt my sheath and threw it to the side, same with my quiver and bow. I held my fists up to my chest and let Niki guard my weapons.

Dream did the same with his axe and armor. ((You aren't wearing any armor)). After throwing his weapons to the side, he ran up to me.

I step to the side before he could punch me square in the face. I tried to kick him in the chest but he caught my leg and threw me to the ground. I groaned and stand up, I ran to him punching him in the chest.

He almost fell backwards but he keep his balance, holding his pained chest. I smirked and kick him in the face making him fly to Sapnap who which caught him so he wouldn't hurt more.

"Weak" I said before walking to Niki. "Haven't even drop a sweat." I added before belting the sheath and putting the quiver on with my bow.

"You change." I heard someone said. I looked behind me to the three guys. Dream said that. "And so?" I replied.

"You were weak when Wilbur was with you." He said. I glared at him.

"I'm not great with friends or family. Don't question about it." I said in a serious tone before nodding thank you to Niki.

She smiled and put her serious face on before looking the goat man.

"So?" I said looking at Schlatt. "Make sure you do your job right." He said before walking away, Tubbo and Quackity following behind him.

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