Chapter 21 - {New name}

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I yawned looking at the sun rising up in the sky. I yawned again and jumped down to the door of the hidden shack, opening it up.

Tommy and Wilbur are gone. They must be downstairs. I made sure the door was closed and started going down.

Wilbur and Tommy we're staring down a hole? "What the heck are you guys doing?" I said loud enough for them to hear.

They looked up at me and saw the pink haired dude poking his head out the hole. I stared in confusion and when I got down and saw the hole.

It was a farmland for potatoes? I stared back at the pink guy holding dozens of potatoes in his arms. His coat was covered in mud and dirt.

"Um how lo-" I got cut off by him. "I haven't slept." There was silence from us.

And I just slowly back up to the stairs leaving the three guys. I got to the shack and looked for few clothes to wear.

I sighed as I heard footsteps coming up. I looked at the hole revealing the three guys going up. "Where are you going?" Tommy asked.

"I need to go undercover or just spy at L'manberg. I want to see Niki or Tubbo. I need to know if they are fine." I said not looking at them. I got a hold of my dark pink coat and my pastel blue coat. If they saw the dark pink one, they might think I'm the Technoblade. Pastel blue is it.

I took off my dark blue coat and place it on top of the chest. I grabbed the white shirt, black pants and my light brown battle boots.

I went downstairs. I stopped at the middle of the stairs. "Are you sure, you can trust her?" The monotoned dude said.

"We trust her more than I do to you, techno. So yes I do trust her." Wilbur said. I smiled before continuing to go down the stairs.

I went under the stairs breaking a few blocks, revealing a tunnel. I blocked the tunnel and dress into the new clothes.

I opened a hidden door near the entrance revealing a well-built room. I place the clothes somewhere in the chest. Fixing my clothes before closing the door, running to the tunnels.


I got to L'manberg. Only to hear. "NEW ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE EMPEROR! COME TO THE STANDS!" I heard someone yelled.

I couldn't recognized the voice. I put my hood up running to the stands. I hid myself to a small hill. I need to be careful. If I got caught now, I'm soo fucked. I stayed silent..

"Ladies and Gentlemen... of this great nation!" I heard the goat man again. Everyone cheered.

"I come to you... on a GREAT DAY! It's only the second minecraft day- the first- earth day of my reign over this great nation, and we have... totally, completely, and utterly, removed all walls. The cage that has held back the citizens of this great nation- has been... well... removed. The country... has been uncaged. And you know what? You know what I'm feeling? Enough of this... living in the past. No walls... no ah... spaceships... no... Elton John houses... I say, I say fellas; I say we rename this country. No longer! No longer! No longer, will this country be called L'Manberg. I say that's rather out of date. No one uses apostrophes. I say... effective immediately... our great nation is now... Manberg. MANBERG! What do you say about that fellas? Manberg! I like- I like men- I like men. This country will take no more L's!" He yelled again.

I heard Quackity's faint voice. "Wait what?" "What? What? I didn't say anything- This country will no longer take L's! For we are victorious." He said.

"You have no respect for history!" Eret yelled through the audience. "History is overrated." He yelled through the mic again.

"You are not going to get away with this." Another faint voice. Niki? Niki is in the audience. She's fine that's good.

"Oh I already have. I've already gotten away with it." Shlatt said. Wait. They are renaming L'manberg! What?! T-this outrageous!. I'll make sure to kill that man. For good.

"L'manberg is no more, Tommy." Another faint voice said. I glanced through the podium. Tubbo?. Why is Tubbo on the stage with Schlatt?. Did he? No he didn't. He wouldn't right?. I-i. "For Manberg!" Tubbo yelled. Everyone yelled. Niki was shocked and Eret was calming her down.

"No more L's. We don't take L's. Only those traitors! Those enemies! Our rival enemy!" Schlatt yelled again. This can't be happening.

I looked around the podium and the stand. I looked at Eret and Niki. Niki was looking straight at me.

I put a finger on my mouth telling her to shut up. She nodded and looked back at the podium. I saw her whispered something to Eret. Eret was now looking at my direction. He nodded at me and looked at the podium as well. Everything is messed up.

I run back to the hidden shack. I hate this. I opened the door revealing a shock Technoblade and softens when he saw me.

"Where is-" I got interrupted by Tommy and Wilbur running from downstairs to the shack. "(Y/N) what happened?" Wilbur asked.

I sat down on the bed. "Great news and bad news." I said in between of me panting heavily. "Great news first." Tommy said. "Niki is fine. And Tubbo is fine as well." I said.

Techno hand me a water bottle which I instantly took and drank from it. "And the bad news?" Wilbur said. "Will, tommy.. L'manberg is no more. It's Manberg now. And Tubbo.. He got eyes from the enemy. Tubbo t-teamed up with Schlatt." After saying that.

Tommy instantly fell down from his knees. Wilbur hold him. "Tommy." He said softly.

"I'm sorry tommy. Tubbo is no more as well." I said earning a cry from him. My heart sinked.

I haven't heard a hurtful cry from tommy. It pains my heart. He push Wilbur aside going downstairs.

I looked at wilbur. "He just needs time. He'll be fine." He said. I nodded.

"I'm going back. I'm gonna say that I'm teaming with Schlatt. So I'll see if Tubbo is actually serious. I'll tell them. That you abandoned me. Is that good enough?" I said.

"Schlatt is a smart man, (Y/N). Earn his trust and he will let you in." Wilbur now said. I nodded.

I looked at the pink hairded techno. He nodded as well. I sighed before standing back up. "See you guys soon." I said,

"Be safe." Wilbur said softly patting my back before hugging me. I hugged back and smiled "Will do." I gave a nod at Techno and he nodded back. I salute at Will before running off again.

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