together forever

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KAMINARI HAD JUST FINISHED CLEANING OUT HIS CLOSET, when he heard a series of thumps on his door, making him jump

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KAMINARI HAD JUST FINISHED CLEANING OUT HIS CLOSET, when he heard a series of thumps on his door, making him jump. It sounded like someone was slamming their palm of their hand in the door, but they were weak and quiet.


Kaminari's heart dropped. Y/n's voice was panicked and shaky, meaning that something had happened to her. He quickly ran to his door, swinging it open.
"Y/n! What's wrong-"

She suddenly wrapped her arms around his waist, stumbling into him. "Ah!" Kaminari yelped as he fell down onto his butt, y/n hiding her face into his chest.

"...Y/n?" He whispered as she hugged him tightly, as he could fell her shaking in his arms. "Y/n, you've gotta talk to me...what happened?"

"...I...I had another nightmare..."

He lightly gasped, his eyes widening. He then pushed y/n off him, holding her by the shoulders. "A nightmare? B...But we overcame your fears weeks ago! How did they come back?" He panicked, gently shaking her for answers.

She kept her chin to her chest, avoiding eye contact. He could tell she was anxious, and that something scary had occurred, but she wasn't speaking.

"Y/n..." He cupped her face gently, forcing her to look up to him. Her eyes were sad and dull, there being no twinkle or shine.

"...I don't..." She whispered, her voice barely coming out.

"You don't what?"

"...lose you..."


"You...I don't lose you."

Kaminari inhaled with shock, y/n's gaze focused on him. "...Is that...your new fear?"

"...I just...I like you so much that...I really don't want to lose you."

Kaminari then pulled her into him, embracing her around her neck. "I'm never going to leave you!"

dear diary ᝰ d.kaminari ✓ (poc reader)Where stories live. Discover now