entry #2

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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


i started dating a boy named shinso. well, he doesn't really want to call it dating. i don't either.

we have a deal. i help him train, since i'm good at martial arts and physical combat.

and he gives me attention.

at first, the deal was that he'd brainwash me and tell me not to have nightmares. so i could sleep peacefully.

but i wouldn't work. i'd call him at night, and get brainwashed. but once he fell asleep, the brainwashing wore off...so it was pointless.

so i changed my end of the deal.

yeah it sounds bad, but it's kind of nice. well it was at first.

pretending to have a boyfriend, it was nice. he'd be sort of bland about it, but was kind of open to the idea.

but we never had romantic feelings for each other.

a few months in, he didn't need my help with training anymore.

but i still wanted the attention. someone to talk with.

he's bored of me now.

i can tell.

i'm just a burden to him now.

"Yo, look outside

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Yo, look outside." Kirishima whispered, his cold breath forming fog on the classroom window. Him and Sero had their faces practically pressed against the glass, watching drama unfold.

"What is it?" Kaminari perked up, him, Momo, and Jirou walking over to the window to see what their friends were so focused on.

As soon as Kaminari looked outside, he felt his heart drop.

It was y/n and Shinso. But they weren't all "lovey-dovey" like they normally were. No, it looked as though...

they were breaking up.

More specifically, Shinso was breaking up with y/n.

"No way..." Momo whispered, throwing her hands over her mouth in empathy.

Kaminari immediately flash backed to the second entry in y/n's journal. Was he finally ending their deal?

"Guys, it's really not a big deal!" Y/n sighed as her and her classmates walked back to the dorms for the night, Mina and Ochako pressing questions on her the most

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Guys, it's really not a big deal!" Y/n sighed as her and her classmates walked back to the dorms for the night, Mina and Ochako pressing questions on her the most.

"But you guys were dating for so long! Aren't you sad!?" Mina whined, tugging on y/n's arm and sticking out her bottom lip.

"Please, I'm not about to mope about a mutual breakup." Y/n ventured, shrugging her shoulders as she applied a thick gloss over her plump lips.

"Huh? It was mutual?" Sero questioned.

"Yeah! I mean, we were kinda falling out anyway. So it's whatever!" She assured, waving off everyone's pity.

"I still don't get how he would dump such a hottie like you." Mineta flirted, before turning to his buddy. "Right, Kaminari?"

"Oh yeah! You've finally got a chance, and you haven't flirted with her once all day!" Sero teased, nudging his elbow into Kaminari's side.

Y/n, Mina, and Ochako all turned behind them to Kaminari, waiting for his response.

Kaminari choked, turning away to avoid eye contact. It was true. In normal circumstances, he would flirt with y/n. He finally had a chance. But it just felt wrong. He now knew too much about y/n. Deep down, he knows she's hurting, she's just hiding it.

Flirting with her would just be insensitive.

"I'm just being considerate, man!" Kaminari retorted to Sero, his cheeks turning a deep scarlet. "Quit poking at me!"

"Awwww look at Kaminari being a gentleman! Maybe you should date him instead!" Mina giggled, teasing y/n by bumping into her best friends playfully.

"Ha, yeah." Y/n rolled her eyes, laughing with them.

" Y/n rolled her eyes, laughing with them

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
dear diary ᝰ d.kaminari ✓ (poc reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz