inside the diary

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Y/N'S DIARY SAT AT THE END OF KAMINARI'S BED, while sat at the head of his bed, keeping his distance from the forbidden book like it was a deadly virus

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Y/N'S DIARY SAT AT THE END OF KAMINARI'S BED, while sat at the head of his bed, keeping his distance from the forbidden book like it was a deadly virus.

His eyes flickered with dilemma. Should he open it? It would be like betraying y/n's trust, the same trust he's spent the past three years creating between them.

Though his mind was telling him not to open her diary, his body was saying otherwise. His fingers itched to open the book, the tips of his hands tingling with want.

Sitting criss cross, his knees bounced up and down against his feet, him biting his bottom lip to contain himself.

Inside that diary could be the key to winning her heart; her desires, dream boyfriends, date ideas, kinks—


The amount of things he could learn about his crush was endless—he could even learn how to win her over from Shinso.

But was it worth it?

If y/n found'd be game over....

"...Yolo." Kaminari whispered, reaching out his arms and eagerly grabbing the diary with both hands. He fell back against the headboard, eyeing the cover of the book.

He flipped to the first page, there being four total paragraphs. Above each paragraph was a date. "...This was during our first few months as first years..."Kaminari whispered, the first date assigned back to two years ago.

He took in a deep breath, before reading the first entry.

April 20th, 2030

Dear diary,

I started U.A about a week ago! It's going pretty smoothly so far, I'll become a pro in no time!

All Might is so much cooler in person! I've made a few friends already. There's this boy that already flirts with me a lot, but he's sort of funny. Kaminari, I think that's his name?

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes from here on!

May 27th, 2030

Dear diary,

dear diary ᝰ d.kaminari ✓ (poc reader)Where stories live. Discover now