entry #3

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these titles getting edgier and edgier. sorry.

when i wake up from my nightmares, it's almost worse than the actual dream itself.

i have to sit alone in the darkness, covered in sweat and panting for air.

i'm always shaking. there's no one to comfort my trembling besides my blanket.

it's sort of stupid. how i have to be burdened with this drawback all because of my damn quirk.

it's annoying. i just want to sleep.


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"...So this is your plan?" Y/n muttered embarrassingly, her laying on her back in her bed under the warmth of her blankets, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Yeah! Isn't it a smart idea!" Kaminari beamed, speaking through her cellphone that sat beside her head on her pillow. "That way, when you wake up from a nightmare, I can hear you, and comfort you right away. So you know someone is there for you."

"Yeah but, now you have to hear me sleep. It's kinda of weird." She shifted onto her side to face the phone, tiredly gazing at the charger port of her device.

"You act like we're strangers, y/n. I've known you for three years now!"

"You've known of me for three years, not about me!"

dear diary ᝰ d.kaminari ✓ (poc reader)Where stories live. Discover now