The Badge and The Burden p2 (Reworked)

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Before you could enjoy your time in the dorm, you had to quickly head back to your locker to grab your things. As you opened the locker, though, you noticed something that wasn't there before.

You: A scroll..? Who put this here?

The button on the scroll flashed as you opened the scroll to see a video had been sent. As you turned on the video, it started with Ozpin at his desk.

Ozpin: Y/N, I do hope you enjoy your scroll. I already have your teammates registered in your scroll, and vice versa. Do not squander this opportunity, Y/N. I have faith that you will become an amazing student, I advise you don't prove me wrong. That is all, have fun.

As the video ended, you checked the team button already input into the scroll as you saw Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang all registered, you could see their aura levels as well. You eventually closed the scroll and grabbed your duffel bag, a smile practically glued onto your face.

You made it back to the dorm and used your scroll to unlock the door as the girls were already fast asleep. You unzipped your duffel bag and pulled out your sleeping bag as you zipped up your duffel bag and found a good spot to sleep.


As you were sleeping comfortably in your sleeping bag, the sounds of someone rustling around the dorm room woke you up as you saw Ruby looking through her things as well as Yang's.

Ruby: I know one of us packed one, there's no way I would've forgot it. Or did I?

You: Ruby, that you?

Ruby: Oh, Y/N. Did I wake you?

You: Yeah, but it's fine. What're you doing anyway?

Ruby: I know Yang has a whistle somewhere, I just can't find it.

You: I think I packed one just out of muscle memory. Why do you even need one, anyway?

Ruby: No reason.

You: Ruby.

Ruby: I'm being honest.

You: Ruby.

Ruby: I don't like how you don't trust me, hmph!

You: Ruby.

Ruby: Okay fine, I'm using it as revenge.

You: On who?

Ruby: Weiss.

You: Why?

Ruby: About stuff that happened in the forest.

You: Was it cause she disagreed with the nevermore plan?

Ruby: What? No. Do you think I'd be that petty?

You: Honestly?

Ruby: Okay, maybe I would be that petty. But no, it was before you found us.

Against your better judgement, you search through your duffel bag and end up grabbing a whistle as Ruby wasted no time grabbing it.

You: If it's revenge on what Weiss said in the forest, shouldn't we wake up Yang and Blake?

Ruby: Oh yeah, we should.

You and Ruby both wake up Yang and Blake making sure to be quick so Weiss wouldn't wake up naturally or from the noise.

Blake: Why're we-

Blake then turned to see Ruby holding a whistle and noticed that Weiss was the only one asleep.

Blake: Ohh, I see.

You, Yang, and Blake, all cover your ears as Ruby blows the very loud whistle in a very enclosed room as Weiss fells off her bed as you stifle a laugh.

Weiss: Gah!

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