The Emerald Forest (Reworded)

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You crashed straight into a boulder, completely destroying it. You groaned in pain as you tried standing up, it wasn't the brightest of ideas to land straight on a boulder from hundreds of feet up in the air after all.

As you stood up and leaned on a tree for support, you started walking in a random direction, but suddenly, you heard growling behind you. As you turned around, you saw a couple of beowolves with an Alpha Beowolf in front of them.

You: Any chance you guys could spare me?

The beowolves charged at you, claws and teeth both out.

You: Didn't think so.

One of them lunged and chomped onto your arm, you were luckily still crystalized, so the bite didn't hurt much at all. As the other one lunged as well, you used the beowolf on your arm as a shield, as you looked for your weapon. Unfortunately, it wasn't within reach as the Alpha Beowolf charged.

You slammed the beowolf on your arm into a tree repeatedly until it disintegrated as the Alpha Beowolf slammed you into a tree. The second regular beowolf lunged at you again as you grabbed it and punched it over and over, causing a small hole in the ground as the beowolf turned into dust.

This time, the Alpha beowolf lunged at you and pinned you onto the ground. Thinking fast, as you kept it at a distance from your face as you grabbed some dirt and threw it in the eyes of the monster.

As it tried to shake the dirt off, you instantly ran to your weapon and wasted no time firing a round into the beowolf's eyes and body repeatedly, defeating it.

You didn't get much of a break though as about 3 Ursa Minors and 3 Ursa Majors appeared from your side. You fired a few fire dust rounds into the pack of ursa, but the Ursa Majors blocked the shots with ease. 

You loaded ice dust into your gun and started running while shooting the ground behind you. It seemed to slow down the Grimm, but not by much. You only had so many shots, and you couldn't possibly block all of them at once, so you had to think fast.

You swapped your gun to sword form and loaded fire dust into it before stopping and slashing the ground behind you, created a wall of flames. The ursa stopped running, but the majors continued, not bothered by the wall of fire.

Suddenly, you noticed smoke and started running towards it as the ursa were hot on your trail. You were getting tired, but you continued to run, not stopping for even a second.

As you made it to the smoke though, you encountered an entire pack of 8 beewolves, including an Alpha Beowolf leading them.

You: This might be a problem.

As the ursa closed in, and the beowolves looked at you, ready to strike, you thought of an idea.

You: This is gonna be painful, but I've felt worse.

You swapped your weapon to gun form and loaded a fire crystal into it. As the Grimm closed in from all sides, you charged up the shot and crystalized yourself before firing. As you got sent flying backwards into the air, you tried to load gravity dust into your weapon, but you accidentally dropped the dust.

You: Uh oh.

You ended up crashing into a tree this time, but you weren't alone as Ruby looked at you with a smile on her face, and Weiss just looked at you, shocked & annoyed.

You: Hey girls...

Ruby: Y/N! Are you okay?

You: Everything hurts, but yeah, I'm fine.

My little Rosebud (Reader x Ruby)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz