Chapter 10

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ok guys so here's a special (good!)  announcement for this collection of quotes! so we're getting near the end, since I planned to do only 100 quotes. the next chapter will have only 5 last quotes, and the other 5 will be suggested by you under this message and inserted there! do your best teehee

Ao-ki: *tries to create a sense of calm by lighting incense only to find out the sticks were actually sparklers*
Ao-ki: this is painfully on-brand actually.

Trek, after blowing out birthday candles: I don't have to make a wish because I have these wonderful friends...
Trek, internally: I wish for infinity sloggus.

Lord Helios: *sighs* where do you keep your wine? where's your wine pal?
Lord Sol: I don't have any.
Lord Helios: WHAT?
Lord Helios: beer?
Lord Sol: no.
Lord Helios: how do you relax?
Lord Sol: I don't.

Ikor: hey Trek, look at me.
Ikor: *dabs*
Trek: WHA-
Ikor: nobody will ever believe you if you tell them I did that.

Lord Voidus to Lord Elektryon: okay. I know you're mad, but before you say anything, yes, we screwed up. And yes, you warned us. And yes, I don't know where I'm going with this. But I do know this: I have reached the end of my sentence.

Trek: congratulations on your pregnancy, Ao-ki!
Ao-ki, on the verge of tears: I'm not pregnant...
Trek: oh.
Riff, choking on his own saliva, face purple:
Ikor: oh my fucking God...

(platonic love)
Ao-ki: you love me right?
Trek, sarcastic: no, I don't love you.
Ao-ki, starting to cry: but I thought you did...

Lord Keryon: you are avoiding your problems.
Riff: what? no, I'm not. can we talk about this tomorrow?

Lord Sol: I hate it when people are like, "so tell me about yourself..." what do you want my trauma or my favorite color?

Zefyr: if you ever disrespect me again, I'll eat your shower curtains.
Akilos: I doors?
Zefyr: well CRUNCHITY-MUNCHITY then. do you really think that will stop me?

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