Chapter 5

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Lord Sol: some people just need a high-five,
Lord Helios: aw, that's a swee-
Lord Sol: in the face.
Lord Sol: with a chair.
Lord Helios, scared af: oh-
Lord Eklos: I don't know why, but I feel really insecure-
(req by YaasPanda)

Ikor, pouring Monster and Red Bull into his coffee: I'm gonna die. *chugs*
sweet sleep that Ikor didn't have since he became Herald: ..mood- 

Eron: why can't dinosaurs clap?
Riff: because their hands are too sh-
Ikor: because they're all dead.

Finna: hey bro I need to tell you something.
Riff: yeah? me too. let's say it together.
Finna: okay, to the count of three. 1- 2- 3- I want to steal your Hyperbeast.
Riff: wait what

Ao-ki: *spins around in a chair ominously* I've been expecting y-
Ao-ki: *chair continues to spin* shit
Ao-ki: *tries to stop spinning* shit!
Ao-ki: *tries to grab at lamp or table to stop spinning* sHIT
Ao-ki: *falls out of chair* SHIT


Eron: not all dogs are "good boys",
Trek: *slowly grabbing a pitchfork*
Eron: , because some are "good girls"!
Trek: *giggling, putting the pitchfork away* 

Eron: what if the g in gif is silent?
Ikor: go the fuck to sleep.
Eron: what gif I don't want to?
Ikor: fuck you!

kidnapper: we have your Fire Herald.
Riff: that's impossible, I am right here.
kidnapper: so who keeps chanting "FIRE, FIRE!" whenever we mention you?
Riff: oh my god you guys have Finna-

Siran: I'm cold.
Trek: here, take my jacket.
Ao-ki: I'm cold too...
Riff: *sets the Tower on fire*

Eron: surgery is just stabbing someone back to life.
Ikor, hiding a thorax wound and all blood spilling over: please...never become a surgeon, ever.

yeah I'm late um yea

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