School Trip

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'But watching you stand alone, all of my doubts suddenly go away somehow'

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'But watching you stand alone, all of my doubts suddenly go away somehow'

Leaning on my car, earphones plugged in as I think about what to do. Being known as a vampire by the Cullens is fine but if they find out what I truly am, they could notify the Voltari about me.

Sudden pictures of they way Edward tried to save me flashed in my mind as I sigh. Maybe they could be good.

"Look at you huh, your alive" Mike says stepping in my line of vision. I chuckle and face him.

"Yeah, false alarm I guess." I say smiling at the boy. 

"So ummm, I wanted to ask you uh, if if uh. I-I know its like a month away but uhh do you wanna uh go to prom with me." Mike asks. My senses kick in as without turning I feel Edward and his family behind me staring at me.

"Ummm sorry but I'm going to Jacksonville that week" I say

"Oh can't you go another day?" he asks and I sigh feeling bad for the boy.

"Sorry but I have a family dinner to attend to and it may be the last time I see my great grandma" I lie as I think. The real reason I won't be going is because the surge is most probably going to occur and I don't want to go to the hospital again .

"You should ask Jess though, I know she wants to go with you" I say smiling at how cute the two would be together. He nods with a smile as I hear the teacher start to call us.


"egg shells, carrot tops, compost tea" the teacher announces as I walk. In front of me is Edward and Bella. I hear Bella inform him that she's going to the bathroom, not before kissing him on the cheek and leaving the line.

We continue to walk in line, as I brush my hands with the leaves of a few plants. Witches are able to connect with nature and that is one of the many reasons I love forests. I pass by a dead flower. I frown at the dried plant and looking around before touching the stem of the flower. It starts to grow back and blooms.

"Neat party trick" Edwards voice brings me out of my head

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"Neat party trick" Edwards voice brings me out of my head. 

"Thanks" I say before continuing down the line.

"What's in Jacksonville?" he asks

"None of your business" I reply and he chuckles.

Jessica interrupts the conversation and we talk about how she's happy Mike asked her until she heads back to the group as I walk and exit the green house. 

Walking pass the group I notice Erick pointing a worm in my face, I take the poor worm from the branch and place it back in its habitat before continuing my walk. I enter the bus and see Edward and Bella sitting together. I feel Edward's eyes on my but ignore them as I take the seat in front of them and plug in my headphones.

As the bus fills in and starts to move I watch as the heavens poor down and the forests using my advanced eye sight to zoom in on the smallest of bugs taking shelter under the leaves from the storm. I watch as the worms come out from under the soil to breathe as there homes flood and I can't help wonder what the life of a worm is.


Entering the cafeteria I make my way to the groups table

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Entering the cafeteria I make my way to the groups table.

"Hey La Push baby, you in?" Eric asks

"Umm should I know what that means?" I ask to lazy to read there minds.

"La Push beach at the rez, we're all going tomorrow." Mike informs me.

"And there's a big swell coming in" Jess says

"And I don't just surf the internet" Eric states

"Eric you stood up once, and it was a foam board" Jess points out.

"But there's whale watching two. Come with us?" Angela asks

"La Push baby, its La Push" Eric says

"Ok I'll go if you stop saying that, and besides. Its been long since I rode those waves." I say and they laugh making me smile.

I leave my bag on a bench as I walk to the salad bar. I'm not that hungry but maybe an apple. I grab an apple and am about to turn when Edwards walks up behind me. Ignoring him as I look through the food bar.

"I want to apologize" he says

"Really" I say with a sarcastic tone

"Yeah, me and my family didn't have any right cornering you like that" he says and I smile still not looking up to him.

"Its fine, its a common mistake" I say grabbing the apple and walking back to the table. He grabs my hand and turns me to face him.

"Don't go to La Push" he says sternly before going back to his table. I read his mind and gasp. There are werewolves in this town. Even though I'm still going I understood that the Cullens had a treaty which I won't honor because with my scent they won't know what I am and besides, I'm a witch.  

Its law that a werewolf cannot harm a witch unless they have done something wrong. I'm powerful enough to protect myself so I'll be fine.

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