"Are you that dull?" He sneers, "Do you really want to know?" 

"Hell yeah," I grumbled and he lets go harshly, "He's your guardian angel, well former when your darling dad offered you to that blasted duchess."

I feel everything slow down as I process the new information filled out, he takes it as a sign to continue, "Every angel has someone to look after, and you manage to have a Cheribum's shield."

"Cheribum?" I squeaked, he rolls his eyes in annoyance. "You don't know that too?"

I was silent, he continues. "Well then since you don't know, Cheribums are the second to the highest ranks of angels." 

"Anyways," He barks. "You made contact with him not too long ago." 

Made contact? After I landed back to Korea? 

Then a thought ran through me, 'the food mart!'

He notices my reaction and curled his lips to a grimace, "Well now you know." He walks away from me, his back turned against my front. "But I need to confirm it." He walks back again towards me I wriggle against my bindings as he yanks my collar to show the column of my neck, there it was, Irene's bite mark.

He chuckles, "There it is, that ugly mark." He tuts, "How can you let someone like her taint your soul and your body?"

I thrash against his hold, and he lets go, leaving me disheveled. "It's because I'm her vessel!" He tilted his head, "Interesting..." He walks away and paced around the room, deep in thought.

"You're her source of energy." I only sat in silence as he paced again. "Your ring is an engagement ring, yes?" He raised his brow, expecting an answer yet I remain uncooperative. He sighs in frustration and another unknown force pierce my body, causing me to yelp in pain. 

"ANSWER ME." He snarls as I continue to writhe against his ministrations, my head made contact with the dirty floorboards as I wince in pain, his footsteps drawing close. 

He harshly plants his palm to the back of my head, forcefully pressing my head against the floor. "Answer. Me." 

"Y-yes." I grumbled, resentment and anger boiling in my stomach. "It's my engagement ring." 

"With Irene?" 

"With Irene." I affirmed as he lets go, I raise my body to a sit-up position, ignoring the pang in my rib. His figure stared into space. He hummed and nod his head.

"Well I've accepted my fate." He snickered, "But that doesn't matter."

I give him a scowl as I ponder why. He takes my scowl as another questioning look and sighed.

"For I have abducted the bride of the underworld."


Hyunjin paced around the counter, his back was tingling, and he knows something's off. His knuckles turned white after clenching his fist too tight. Should he summon Moonbyul? But they don't want to hear from him for the rest of his life....

"Jesus," He sighs, "I have to try."


"Bobby may be talented but he's careless." Moonbyul states around the table seated with demons, the two dominions standing guard on the door. "Irene and Seulgi have picked his feather on the room." 

"Yep," Seulgi raised it. "And it's fresh." Irene said nothing as she stares into space, yet still listening attentively to whatever the Seraphim says.

Taeyeon hummed, "Well that can be traced, no problem with that." She then looked at the spaced out Irene. "Irene."

"Huh?" Irene snapped out. "Right."

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