2. First meeting & Awkward set up

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The next morning Faith heads home and I start getting ready for work.

As I'm getting ready a face pops into my head. Maybe that guy is working today too.

On my way out, I grab the book I'm currently reading. Something a bit out of my norm, but I mean Harry Potter is timeless. Who cares if I'm 22 reading it.

When I get to work, it's busy. It's the last Thursday in August. The first couple hours of my shift go quickly and then it's time for my break. I grab my book and head to the Cafe. I order a slice of pizza and a soda.

I sit down to eat and have my book open on the little table. Reading while I'm eating so I can get as much time in my book as possible.

I'm so engrossed that I don't realize when a shadow falls over me. That guy is standing there.

"What are you reading?" He asks.

I look up at him as he sits sideways facing me in a chair at the table next to mine. "Harry Potter."

He looks at me like he was expecting a much different answer. Maybe he wasn't expecting anything. Then he does this cute smirk like smile and says, "Harry Potter? Aren't you to old to read that." He asks with confusion lacing his words, like I just said the stupidest thing ever.

I just looked at him for a moment. I've never seen him this close up.

I couldn't help thinking his eyes held some emotion up close. They are brown, but when he turned his head a bit, the light reflected and there was a hint of green in their depths.

"Nah, it's well written. The adventures get more intense as they get older. It's another world and pretty interesting."

Looking back down after my explanation, I continued reading. I could feel him looking at me. He got up after a couple seconds and I assume he was walking away.

He laughed a soft, yet still manly sound, "I didn't take you for a dork."

I glanced back up at him with a you don't know me expression, and went back to reading.

My break ended and I headed to the courtesy desk. A bit later the guy must have gone on his break and he was in the Cafe that is so conveniently situated across from my workspace. He ordered and sat down with his meal where I was sitting previously. Which happened to be facing the courtesy area.

My co-worker noticed my distraction and put two and two together.

"You know, Theo has a girlfriend." She mentioned in a somewhat snotty tone.

"Okay? Who's Theo?" I asked and acted like I was confused by her statement.

"He's the guy you've been staring at for the past 3 minutes."

"Oh, I was trying to read the specials sign. I didn't notice it on break. Probably should have had the Ceasar salad instead of the pizza." I shrugged.

Thankfully she bought it. At least she didn't mention it again. I think she started talking about her boyfriend who was getting promoted to management or something. I was still sneaking glances at the 'special' sign in the Cafe, so I was only half listening.

My shift ended uneventfully and my friend Cari offered to drive me home.

Theo, I now know is his name, was walking out a couple steps behind us and he called out a goodbye to Cari and to my surprise addressed me.

"So, Harry Potter girl, what's your name?"

I pointed to my name tag, "Jade."

He did a little two finger wave, "Have a good night Jade."

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