Her bare feet gently crossed over the rug flooring of the room as she delicately opened the door and just as quietly shut it behind her. Her small feminine frame, barely covered in the soft pink silk night dress, glided down the hall as she carried the bottle of champagne limply by its neck. She was so at peace with herself as she entered the stairwell and began to ascend the floors, a warm smile plastered on her face as she felt the eventual freedom nearing. Only she could end her own suffering and the suffering of those around her. In doing so, she would be able to spread her wings and fly, even if it was only a momentary sensation.

By the time she reached the top of the stairs and gained the roofs access, the medication was already giving her a woozy affect, which she only added to by taking another sip of the champagne before dropping the bottle idly onto the concrete surface where it shattered and its previous contents spilled out. She took faltering steps towards the edge of the roof, failing to take note of another individuals presence, who had rapidly honed in on her.

"Elizabeth?" Mark said from across the opposite side of the roof, his attention from the skyline diverted at the sound of the bottle shattering on floor at the same time he picked up her lavender scent. His eyes focusing on her heavy steps as she walked over to the raised cement guard of the rooftop. "Elizabeth, does Jason know you're out here?" his cigarette immediately being flicked off into the dark of the night as he quickly began to make his way across the roof top following her stumbling steps. "Hey beautiful!" he called out to her and received no response, his eyes widening as he saw her lift her frame up onto the ledge and stand on it in a wobbly state. "What the fuck are you doing?!" he shouted out at her as he began to sprint, finally garnering her attention as she looked over her shoulder at him.

"Mark." she sighed out with that same content smile, her stand wavering on the ledge causing him to pause a few feet away. "If I jump, how long do you think before I hit the ground?" she asked softly, her head looking back over for a moment down to the empty streets and the traffic lights that continued to shift with no cars needing their direction.

"I don't know, Elizabeth." he said cautiously, taking a step forward before she turned her head to look back at him. "But I don't think it's a good idea. We're pretty high up."

"I know." she said with a twinkle in her hazy eyes. "I think... twenty seconds, but I bet it will feel like minutes."

"Elizabeth, come down from there." he said firmly, taking another step forward and immediately taking it back as he saw her body lean towards the emptiness below. His phone reaching into his pocket and speed dialing Jason but keeping it in his lowered hand, his ears picking up that it was ringing.

"Have you ever wanted to fly?" she asked, her head tilting back so her eyes could look up at the sky.

"No. I prefer to be on land." he said carefully, registering that the groggy alpha had answered his phone. "And I don't think we should be on the roof top, Elizabeth." his words leaning and his volume slightly rising. "Why don't you get off the ledge?"

"I intend to." she said with a nod, giving him a look over her shoulder once more with a warm smile as her body swayed. "Backwards or forwards? Which do you think is best?" she asked as if she was planning the perfect trip, her arms extending out wide.

"Neither." he said firmly, "Come to me, take my hand.." he said with his arm extending to her as he stepped forward.

"I'm sorry Mark. I really do like you, but I've decided I cannot stay." she said her tone soft and carefree as if she couldn't possibly extend a lunch date a minute longer.

"How many pills have you taken, honey?" he asked to her softly.

"Four or five, I don't want to ruin the experience." she said with a nod. "I think forward." her tippy toes moving to the very edge of the ledge. "The wind on my face will be the most freeing."

"If-if you go forward, you will have to have a closed casket." he said taking a step closer, his arm testing the distance, being once again halted by her looking back at him.

"So?" she asked seeing not his point, her knees buckling and making her swaying worse.

"Well.. It would make it hard for everyone to get closure." he said quietly, hearing the door to the rooftop open behind him.

"Elizabeth." Jason rapidly appeared at the side of Mark, drawing her attention over to him now. "Please get down..."

"Okay, Jason... " she said with a nod and a smile, her body wavering as she turned around to face them. "Backwards it is." her arms once again extended, Mark knew where it was going and no longer acting in caution, lurched forward at the moment her heels began to raise her toes. Wrapping his strong arms around her waist before kicking back against the lifted edge, he propelled them both back from the ledge.

The beta was quick to get her on her hands and knees and shove his pointer and middle finger down her throat forcefully, making her spill out the contents of champagne and the partially digested pills that were kept in its lining. "There you go." he said softly patting her back as he wiped the vomit covered fingers on his jeans.

"I'll never forgive you..." she said weakly as she continued to cough, her stomach acid burning at her mouth, throat, and nasal cavities.

"I'm okay with that, honey." he continued to gently speak to her as a shaky hand pulled out his pack of cigarettes and he drew one into his mouth with his teeth. Beginning to stand as he allowed her to collect herself while he lit his cigarette.

"I'll take first watch." Jason said darkly, his eyes pitch black as he stared at her sinking frame in an amalgamation of anger, fury, pain and extreme upset. A rigid hand tightly rubbing at his jaw as he felt an overwhelming sense of betrayal from her at what she had been so clearly decided upon doing.

"Samantha and I can watch her." Mark said exhaling a billow of smoke with a heavy sigh. "I think that might be best, actually..." his blue eyes shifting over to Jason and his clenched teeth that were held so tightly together that they looked as if they could potentially shatter. "And then Cane... and then Jacob." he said with a nod, taking the opportunity to exclude Jason as he had said nothing.

"Elizabeth, how co-" Jason began and his starting tone was filled with a bubbling rage, Mark cutting him off with a gentle but firm hand on his bicep and a shake of his head.

"Come on, man. Now is not the time." he said just barely above a whisper. "We just have to figure this out... you know she is unwell. Don't take this personally, that is the opposite of what she needs right now."

"Keep her the fuck away from me." he said back his tone shifting to extreme bitterness and immense upset. The alpha having to walk away from the situation before he lost control of his own self and ended up doing or saying something he would inevitably regret.

And Then She Was Gone Where stories live. Discover now