Second | Jean x Reader

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Prompt- Jean and Reader are have a conversation when they notice Jean isn't paying attention.

Gender Neutral

"And then right as I was about it hit the ground- WHOOSH- I was flying again!"

ODM Gear had always been a struggle for you. The wires, gas, which triggers to pull when to go where you wanted, it was all complicated and difficult for you. Until now. After some extra training you had finally started to get the hang of it. Of course, you wanted to tell your boyfriend, Jean, about your progress.

"Mm hmm." Jean hummed before you continued.

"And Eren showed me this cool trick where you can-" You finally looked up.

His gaze wasn't on you like you had expected. Instead his eyes looked across the courtyard, landing on one of the strongest women in the regiment. Mikasa.

You and Mikasa had been friends ever since the start when you both joined training. She was pretty reserved but nice and always helped or listened to you if you needed her to. Though your relationship was friendly, you always felt a sense of inferiority. Jean had a crush on her first, make you feel like you were just the second choice. Jean never mentioned it though and you did your best to ignore it. Until now. He was looking straight at her when he was suppose to be talking to you.

"And then the giant purple monster turned out out to be Levi. He was really just angry cause goats don't fly."

"That's so cool." Jean said quietly, still looking at Mikasa.

Your nose and eyes started to sting as you turned around and walked away. Tears started to stream down you face before you had even gotten a couple meters away. You walked quickly to your dorm, shutting and locking the door before closing all the curtains and huddling under the thick blanket on your bed. Part of you didn't want to get your snot and tears on your bed but the other, more prominent side, was too emotional and distraught to care. Your sobbing continued until you fell asleep.

Jeans POV

I watched her from across the yard, her hair blew in the wind as she talked to Eren. When she and him started to walk away I angled myself so that I could see her for as long as possible. When she finally went far enough that I couldn't see her I turned back to Y/n. Y/n? The space was empty. I looked around. Maybe this is some silly prank. They can be quite a jokester at times.

After a couple seconds of looking I notice that they haven't come out yet. Where would they be? One second we were talking about ODM Gear and then- oh. I remember her saying something about Levi and flying goats.

How could I be so stupid? I was staring at Mikasa right in front of them! And they walked away. How did I not notice? How could I have been so arrogant to stare at a girl when they were talking to me? My anger floods to me in mean thoughts, all of which I deserve. Another part of me is filled with sadness. They must be sad. They're dating me yet here yet here I am ogling someone else right in front of them. I have to apologize. They need to know how sorry I am. Yes, I did have a crush on Mikasa at first but that all went away when I saw them. Then why was I staring? Not only that but I tried to watch her as long as possible. What's wrong with me? I mean sure Mikasa looks nice but Y/n looks better. What if they break up with me over this?

The thought sends me reeling.

My chest heaves as my brain plays out the scenario, what hurts even more is how real and likely it is to become. I start running. I sprint towards the dorms, not caring about the weird stares i'm getting. My only focus is getting to. Y/n. I'm nearly half way there when my lungs feel like their being incinerated and my legs beg for a break but I don't stop. I continue to run, maybe even faster than before. Tears fall from my eyes but not from the physical stress. When I finally round the last corner and i'm face to face with their door, I hesitate.

𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒/𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐒Where stories live. Discover now