Chapter 2 - The Elucide Stone

Start from the beginning

"Fewuwl?" I asked.

"Yeah... oh! A feral is a Pokémon who... well, I'll point one out when we see one. Maybe you have friends in town looking for you?" Sam cast another glance at me. "Come on, let's go to the marketplace, if you have anyone looking for you, they'd be there for sure!"


Pretty soon we were walking through the forest again. This time, I was keen to look for signs that would show me the path to Sam's -err, house. Sam must've seen me looking around, because he started talking again.

"So I came across this forest a while back when I was looking for a place to live. I had found it was far enough away that no one would follow me, and that if they did, they would get lost pretty easily. That's why I live there- no chance of getting robbed, and no chance for an ambush!"

I looked at him, almost afraid of the thought that these colorful little animals my brother was so fond of could be so savage. He must've read my mind, because upon seeing my face he quickly added "But of course I'm just paranoid! No one does this around these parts! You can just never be too sure! Ha ha!!"

I decided to just keep looking for any traces of evidence that his home did exist behind us.

After we exited the woods, we followed the main road back to Tarry Town. I wasn't so tired this time, and by the time we arrived in town, I had barely worked up a sweat! (Wow, I guess this body is more efficient or something) I thought to myself.

"Okay, this is the main path." Sam said, leading me into the center of the town. "And this is the marketplace!"

The marketplace was a wide and open area, with tons of wooden stands and shops littered all about in a messy oval shape. There were rows of them behind the first, and rows behind those. The ground was tiled with red and yellow rocks, so faded that they matched the dirt. I also saw some grayish stones mixed in there. I looked ahead and noted how the main path traced right through the middle of the oval. You could easily get lost in here if you weren't careful.

There were also many creatures walking about the marketplace. All were different colors, sizes, shapes... I assume all of them were Pokémon, because of what Arceus told me. I recognized a couple here and there... the blue animal with a plant on his back, some were birds, and I think I saw a pikachu.

We walked around a bit, Sam keeping an eye out for anyone who might be looking for an Eevee, and I just kept looking at all the different things that were around me. I begun to notice that certain market stands had only orb-like things, some only clothing like handkerchiefs and scarves, and some had hats or jewelry. Do Pokémon wear earrings? I wasn't sure. I don't think all Pokémon have ears. I looked over to Sam to see if he had ears, but I saw him in what looked to be a rough confrontation with a purple cobra snake and real big, white and brown bird.

"Hey, what'd you doin' here again, squirt?" The purple snake asked Sam, leaning into Sam's personal space.

"Yeah! We thought you wouldn't have the guts after last time!" The bird said. He was inching closer, as if eager to start a fight.

"G-guys, I-I-I don't want any trouble..." Sam said quietly, backing away.

Although I don't know much about how things work here, I could easily see where this was going. These two bullies were intimidating Sam, seeing how wimpy he really was.

"A'ight then," the cobra pressured, inching even closer. "Then give us some poke, and we'll let ya off... for now."

The bird cackled as they pressured Sam. I had had enough of this. I leapt in front of Sam, growling (I didn't even know I could do that!) at them.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Sam and EvaWhere stories live. Discover now