Start from the beginning

"Hey everyone, listen up!" Rebecca clapped and I immediately knew she was going to say something I wouldn't exactly like. And I wasn't wrong as she uttered her next words.

"We Brown family have decided to host you all to a New Year's Eve dinner party, tonight!"

I pressed my hand to my temple as everyone else but we the kids, clapped.

This was going to be another long night!


"Thank God the dinner is indoors this time. I would have definitely not attended!" I commented as I put on my shoes.

"If it weren't inside the Villa, I wouldn't have stepped a foot out of this building, let's alone, attended the dinner." Cory complained as Theresa adjusted his bowtie. My siblings and Sam were all gathered in my room. My sisters had chosen my room to get dressed but Cory and Sam decided to stop by as they were passing.

I noticed Sam purse his lips and it was then I realized what Cory and I said must have hurt him.

"It's really not as you think, Sam. It's just-"

"It's okay. I get it." He cut in, offering a tight smile. He didn't get it! It was then we realized we truly had to be cautious of

Cory and I shared a glance before Cory cleared his throat.

"I apologise for my bad manners. I just wasn't prepared for this. I mean, we were planning to end our FIFA tournament for the year!" Cory said, which somehow seemed to make Sam laugh, his cheerful demeanor bouncing back.

It was then I realized how really close and understanding of each other the two friends were. Including Peter, whom they FaceTimed almost everyday. They were a strong force and I could only hope they maintained their great personalities as they progressed in high school. I didn't want them to end up being bullies, especially Cory.

"I don't promise you guys are going to have a great time. But I do hope you guys do since we barely have more days to spend on this island." Samuel said, his genuineness very evident. He was very easy-going and simple.

"Bless your heart, Samuel." Theresa smiled as she loosened her hair from the bun. Samuel returned the smile.

The boys barely stayed an extra five minutes before dashing out again. I walked over to Melody to help her make her hair into a French plait braid as she had requested.

"You look lovely, Sam." She commented. I arched an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?" I didn't actually find what I wore any fascinating. I had simply put on a thick wool dress and heels. I had also curled my hair and let it fall over my shoulders. I did a light make up as usual, so there wasn't anything so fascinating. But if baby sister said I looked lovely, then I really did look lovely!

Melody nodded in response and I cracked a grin.

"Thank you. You also look gorgeous, even without being completely dressed up!" I said to her. It was the truth! Melody was easily the most good looking of we three girls!

"Thanks." She blushed.

"C'mere." Theresa said to her once I was done with the French plait braid, adding a little pink ribbon to match her dress. "Let's get you ready!"


Delaine was naturally beautiful, with her brunette hair, moderate lips and slightly pointed nose. In fact, there were lots of good looking people in Portland, Oregon. But tonight seemed very different as I watched her descend the stairs, dressed in a flowing red gown. Her brunette hair was wavy and made her face stand out and for once since she and her family arrived the Villa, she didn't have any vicious expression. On the contrary, she had a solemn expression.

The Bullies' Slave 1Where stories live. Discover now