Truth or Dare #14

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Harry pov:

I woke up by the sound of birds chirping outside. I turned on my side and placed a soft kiss on Draco's nose, I stroked his hair and saw him slowly opening his eyes.

"Goodmorning beautiful." I said placing another kiss on his lips. He smiled and nestled his head in my neck.

"We have to get up babe, we still have 40 mins for breakfast."

"Hmm." he replied, I giggled and stroked his soft blonde locks.

He looked up at me and then placed a kiss on my lips, I kissed his head and then got out of bed.

"No Harry, five more minutesss." He groaned.

"Come on bubs, you have to be full after breakfast because we have detention all day long, remember?"

Draco groaned once again in reply and then got out of bed and placed himself under the shower with me. Again he nestled his face in my neck, I grabbed some shampoo and massaged his head with it. He fell half asleep while I tried to was the shampoo out of his hair.

After 15 minutes we were done with showering and got dressed, I realised that we were not ment to be seen together so I told Draco to go in the Great Hall first and then i'll come 5 minutes after. He did as I said and walked in, after exactly five minutes I walked in and sat down next to Ron.

"Harry where *chomp* were you this morning, I worried sick about you *chomp*. Ron said with a big frown on his face while destroying his chicken.

"Yes Harry, where were you? I haven't seen in the common room this morning." Hermione said confirming Ron's question.

"I woke up early this morning and decided to do something productive." I lied.

"To do something or to do someone?" Hermione said looking up from her plate.

I almost choked on my food by Hermione's words. I didn't want to lie to my best friends but I also didn't want Draco and I to suffer so I had to.

"Oh come on Hermione, you know we broke up and you also know that it hurts talking about him, let alone that I have detention with him this afternoon."

I fake groaned and looked up from my plate to her, just when I realised what I said I started panicking.

"Well well well, how come you have detention with Malfoy, huh?" She said giving me a smirk.

"Okay, I'll be honest. Last night I went to the Astronomy tower to empty my head and saw that Malfoy was there too, we had a fight and fell down the stairs and then Filch found us and gave us detention with Mcgonagall."

"That's ... awesome?" Ron said not knowing how to react.

"Anyway I have detention to go to so I'll see you this evening, bye guys." And with that I left.

Soon after Draco followed and we talked about what we think what kind of detention we could get. We later on arrived at her office.

"Goodmorning boys, I hope you have a good reason to be here?" She spoke with her screechy voice.

"We got detention and were assigned to let you decide what we have to do." Draco quickly spoke to her.

"Well well, Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, you'll be assigned to clean an old, dusty classroom with muggle supplies."

"That isn't too bad."

"Luckily we don't have to babysit Hagrid's creatures." Draco replied in our mind communication.

"Well, where are you waiting for? Follow me." Mcgonagall said as she led us to the old classroom.

We entered the dusty room and I looked around trying not to get my face stuck in a spider web.

Truth Or Dare {Drarry} (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang