Truth or Dare #8

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Draco pov:

You're father is here!
The words kept ringing through his head. The Weasley boy had left already and Harry was hidden under Draco's bed with the sheets over the sides so you wouldn't he able to see him.

Then in the distance he heard speedy footsteps following the tall figure of Lucius entering the room.

He sat beside him in the chair.


"Son, we have something to discuss and I want you to be completely honest. Is it true?"

Draco looked at the blonde figure in confusion, did he know about his secret?

"Is what true?"

"Oh come one, don't act dumb on me. I know all about it, Snape told me."

"Snape told you what exactly?"

"O for God's sake Draco! I know about you and Potter, Snape told me all about it. The way you two look at eachother, the tension between you two seemed like it faded. And also, Snape saw er.. you two.. snogging."

"What? When? I mean er.. that's ridiculous."

"So it is true, isn't it?"

"So what?! Are you gonna stop me? What are you gonna do about it huh, I'm in love with him and I won't let you take that away!"

I could feel my heart beating loud in my chest when suddenly I felt Harry's hand from underneath the sheets against my underarm, he searched for my hand as I grabbed his and we intertwined fingers.
I looked down in shame at my father.

"Honestly Draco, I'm glad you told me."

He what? Did I hear that right, just when I thought my heart would jump out of my chest he told me something I really didn't expect.

"You see, me and your mother noticed it from the start, when you would come home you'd always complain about him but not negatively. You would always be like: "I hate Potter, his stupid perfect hair, the way he looks so handsome when he's concentrated on something.. etc."
So we already knew you liked him, you just didn't know yet yourself. I really don't care that you love him but I can't face the risks with the Dark Lord so please keep this relationship a secret or you'll have to break up, it's your responsibility."

And with that he left the room, moments later Harry crawled out underneath the bed. His face looked happier than ever. I was really happy my father accepted it.

"Well, that turned out to be different from what I thought."

Then Harry pulled my face closer and hovered his lips over mine, my heart beating loudly again colliding with the rhythm of our tongues touching.
It felt so good, I never wanted it to end.
Harry was the first one pulling away cause of a lack of oxygen, as he licked his lips panting softly.

"I'm so happy he's accepting us and you the way you are."

Harry hugged me tightly, I could feel his soft locks of raven hair tickling my face.

"But we have to be more careful now too, since Snape saw us once it means we weren't careful enough."

"I know Ravey, it's just.. I can't stop thinking about you which won't keep me from staring at you all day."

A pink colour flushed over Harry's cheeks at which I chuckled.
I pecked him as I caressed his cheek.

"Okay u-umm, then try minimizing it. I don't want us to get caught."

Truth Or Dare {Drarry} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now