12 | a distraction

Start from the beginning

"No problem."

"Of course."

"Anytime, gorgeous."

The last statement was said by Gabriel who, when I looked up, wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he had been staring at me.

"Where is Ivy, anyway?" Danny asked, stealing my attention.

"She's been out for a while doing some sightseeing. She should be home soon." I replied.

"We should probably head out before she gets here then." Lucy said.

With a wave and final reminder that we'd be having the small - I emphasised looking at Danny - get together this Saturday, they left the apartment.

- - - -

"Which one should I wear?" Ivy asked, holding up two dresses.

"Definitely the blue one." I replied, gesturing to the strapless cornflower blue dress she was clutching in her left hand.

Although the party was originally supposed to have been a surprise, Ivy had a knack for being able to tell when I was keeping something from her, and managed to squeeze it out of me.

Hence why we were here, getting ready together.

My eyes drifted away from her dress and onto my wall, honing in on the calendar that was hanging from it.

Today was Saturday, and the numbers swimming in my vision were only serving as an unwelcome reminder that her stay would soon be coming to an end.

The past 4 days had been spent unintentionally recreating the best parts of our childhood, from the tub of mint chocolate chip icecream we devoured together while binging reruns of Brooklyn 99, to the minutes she spent sitting cross-legged with her hands under her chin, watching me paint.

Even today, when the conversation was minimal but the silence between us still somehow welcome and comfortable, was forcing me to realise what I'd been missing out on for so long.

For the most part, I thought that distancing myself from my family was the best decision I could've possibly made.

It's just times like this that had me reconsidering.

Picking up a dress for myself, a simple yet flattering ribbed green number, I put it on and glanced at myself in the mirror.

The girl smiling back at me was radiant, all sun-kissed brown skin, rosy cheeks and dimples.

I thought back to the time when my reflection essentially showed me the opposite, deciding on the spot that running away from my graduation had done far more good than bad.

My mood picked up just in time for the first knock of the night.

Gabriel, Lucy and Danny stood at the door, each carrying various alcoholic beverages.

"You guys are lifesavers!" I exclaimed, knowing that I wouldn't have been able to get them myself. I spent the entire week working back to back shifts at the cafe or spending time with Ivy.

People began to arrive, either milling around or forming groups and introducing themselves.

I recognised about half of them, but the others were complete strangers. I was grateful for the size of my apartment since it somehow managed to accommodate everyone.

Walking around to look for Ivy, I found her on the couch with a guy that I had never seen before.

He leaned down to whisper something in her ear and I watched her flush slightly.

Although I knew that Ivy wouldn't do anything with him - she wasn't a cheater - I smiled at the fact that I had been successful in taking her mind off Owen, and turned around to head back in the direction I came.

I bumped into somebody, rubbing my forehead and letting my gaze travel upwards until I reached the face it belonged to.

"Careful there." Gabriel said, the corners of his mouth curving upwards.

"Sorry." I laughed.

We fell into step alongside each other, both heading towards the kitchen.

I poured myself a drink, taking a sip while he watched intently.

"Thank you for helping me do this." I said, referring to the party.

He smiled. "Of course."

Our eyes met and the same intense silence from the last time we were left in a room alone fell around us.

It lasted for what felt like a lifetime before the husky tone of his voice interrupted it.

"The other day, when you showed me your paintings, it felt like you had trusted me with a piece of you." He said.

I cocked my head to the side slightly, trying to understand where he was going with this.

"I thought that it would only be fair if I returned the favour." He smiled.

My confusion only grew, and I'm sure it was reflected in my facial expression since the smirk on his face became a fully fledged grin.

With his dimples on display and his eyes gleaming, he spoke. "How good are you on a basketball court?"

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Thank you all so much for 1K reads!
It means the world to me that people are actually enjoying this story ❤️



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