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Chapter Fifteen
𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚝 𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚝

Chapter Fifteen𝙱𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚝 𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚝

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Athens had said she wanted to show Klaus something, out of the blue. He had asked what, but she ignored his questions.

Klaus followed her, happy that she hadn't passed out on him yet, because he really wouldn't know what to do. She had lost her balance once but after a few deep breaths she could walk straight again.

Athens' head pounded but she tried her best to keep her face clear of pain. She stopped walking and turned to look at Klaus. "We're here," she said, gesturing to a black door. "I can't open the door though..."

They were on a crowded street, as all were in New Orleans, and the building was tall with multiple plants and things hanging from the balcony. Klaus had walked down this street everyday for the past two decades and had never seen Athens.

Klaus nodded stepping forward to break the door knob, "We army just breaking into homes for kicks and giggles, are we? This belonged to you, correct?" He questioned, faking caution at the thought of commuting a crime.

He pushed open the door, holding it open for Athens. "It wouldn't be the first time," Athens shrugged as she walked in.

"My dad was a witch, not my mom," Athens began explaining as Klaus looked around the living room. "She won the custody battle even though she shouldn't have, considering she was a junkie."

Everything looked in perfect condition, like it hadn't been touched for a decade. Probably because it hadn't. "My dad put a preservation spell on it, I don't know why, but it kept everything pristine. Even my blood splatter on the wall," she whispered the last part, pointing to the farthest wall, and sure enough Klaus saw it. Athens' blood trailed the wall until it faded behind the tv.

Klaus looked back to Athens, about to say something as he was starting to think coming back here was a bad idea. She didn't seem like seeing her own blood bothered her. Athens didn't let him speak though, "Let's not go into the bathroom..." she trailed off. "But I want to show you my room."

She gestured for Klaus to follow, and he did. The hall they walked down was grey, white doors on either wall. She pointed to a door, gesturing for Klaus to open it.

Clearly, it was a girls room. Purple and white sheets and comforter were on the bed messily, matching the white desk and purple curtains. The wall that the bed was pushed up against had drawings all over it which led Klaus to assume that this was her room.

He turned to ask her but found her slightly swaying. "Athens," he called gently, trying to gain her attention. Even though her mind was fuzzy, she put a hand out dismissively.

Savior | The OriginalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora