If they were both renting the area to the same company though, what did it matter who got the land? They were both big companies, a small piece of land like that wouldn't affect that much, right?

Her mind was whirling as she thought about it, she felt like she was so close, yet so far from the answers as she decides to quickly look up those docks, curious about where they are, and if, maybe, she could go see them and have a look around. Oddly, the first thing that shows up isn't the location or website for the place, but another news article.

Curiosity peaked, Emilia clicks on it to take a look. The first words of news startle her more than she would like to admit, 'murder' and 'gang or mafia'. That didn't seem like something that Mr. Delmont would allow on any property of his, he was much too straight backed and. . and. .

Her eyes traveled to the suspicions of the author, talking about how perhaps it is an inside job, and the person that had died on those docks, a year and a half before, was none other than her own father.

Emilia stared, open mouthed at the image before her, she had never seen another picture of her father, her mother had never shown her one and the only one she had was the little polaroid he had sent with the camera, but he was recognizable, she couldn't mistake the hair and chin, not to mention the eyes, her eyes, set in his pale and lifeless face.

Suddenly much more invested in what had happened to this man, she leans in closer to the screen and scrolls more slowly, reading intently. She wasn't sad about this, or vengeful, she was curious, he had been in very deep shit with a lot of big people, so it was easy to see the reason why he had been killed, but the timing and location just seemed so strange, and so coincidental that it couldn't be. But how in the hell was he involved in all of this?

She wonders, the article doesn't go into much detail, just telling how it appeared to be a drug deal or payment gone wrong and resulted in the man being shot in the gut and his name, but nothing else. No one caught or convicted, nothing, but what was the connection? 

She had to get there, she had to see it for herself, she had to know who and why, Mr. Delmont was involved somehow, she just knew it, but if he was responsible for her father's death, then why had he married her mother? But it was hard to believe he was responsible, he may be a hard ass and care too much about his reputation, but he wasn't a killer, he wasn't a criminal mastermind.

But what if. . ? No, Emilia, you aren't going to go there, your mother would not marry another criminal, there's no way he could be so heartless. But she didn't even know him, they had met barely over a year ago and were engaged after 8 months, she remembered that stupid magazine article about it with her mother's happy face while she sat at her desk in that dorm and prayed she wouldn't have to come home to a new man that she didn't even know existed until that point.

Of course she had looked him up, but only the basics, she didn't know any of this, all the seemingly unconnected things that he had taken part in ever so slightly. But how did they connect, the dock, her father, the cruise, the boat fire, everything. 

Her brain hurt from all the exercise it was receiving, it hadn't done this much in nearly a month and it was not fun to try and get it to move at such a fast pace again. She let out an audible groan and closes her computer, leaning back in the chair as she rubs her eyes. The motion and becoming unfocused lets loose a significant rumble from her stomach reminding her of the determination she had during dinner.

Glancing at the time, she breathes out a sigh of relief that it is just past midnight, which means she won't have to deal with Alexander. It wasn't necessarily that she doesn't want to see him, but she really doesn't want to face him.

Emilia isn't sure why but she feels a little guilty about digging so far into what Mr. Delmont is doing, it could get him in trouble, and as much as she desperately hates to admit it even to herself, she cares about him, if even just a little. Besides, after that scorching kiss on the stairs, she really doesn't want to be that close to him again, it made her heart pound louder than she would like it to and she swore he could probably hear it, even from the other side of the door.

Breathing out a breath of relief that he is gone, Emilia opens the door so she can head down and find herself a snack.

Of course, staring her in the face is the open hall and to her immediate right, there he stands, staring down at her without a trace of a smile like usual.

Emilia swallows, debating closing the door again and just hiding in his room until he goes away. Come on Emilia, be brave! She thinks to herself as she swallows louder than she means to, "I-I thought you were gone already?" Realizing that is rude to say she amends quickly, "I mean, I thought your shift was over at midnight." She can't help but wince, it still sounds rather rude but she can't help it.

"I'm not finished until Mr. Delmont himself dismisses me for the evening, Miss Emilia." He replies, polite and correct as ever, as if absolutely nothing had happened between them.

"O-oh, well then. . ." She trails off, not sure what to do, she doesn't want to be in a one-on-one setting with him again, but she really was hungry, besides, it would be very awkward to simply close the door in his face.

"Did you need something?" He asks cordially, saving her from the awkward situation slightly.

"Oh, uhm, I was just going to grab a snack." She replies, not really looking at him but staring at her hand on the doorway as she chips slightly at the paint with her finger nail.

"Then allow me to escort you"

"Oh, that's really not necessary! I can go by myself!" She jumps quickly, rather desperate to not be in that situation again.

"I insist, it is my job after all, Miss Emilia." He remarks, his voice a little colder than usual, but she can't exactly say no. He is right, it is his job, but why does his job mean he has to be so close to her? She thinks, swallowing as she closes the door behind her before reluctantly leading him down the stairs for a midnight snack.

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