Chapter Eighteen- Red, Blue, Green - Our Last Hope

Start from the beginning

"Palpatine, he told me that something was going to happen... I don't know if I should tell you" said Rey.

"Whatever he said, its not true, tell me" said Ben.

Rey looked up at Ben.

"A baby" Rey gasped out.

"What?" said Ben, clearly confused.

"He said that when he tortured us, he took a piece of life from both of us, and then transferred it into me" Ben froze, he understood. "He said that I'm going to... I'm... having a baby."

"Ben?" she said through sobs.

He didn't move, it was like he was frozen solid. His mouth was open and his eyes wide. Gradually, he removed his arms from around Rey's waist and stepped back. The warmth and happiness suddenly left Rey, water stampeded down her face as she watched him back away to the other side of the cell.

"Please don't" she begged.

Ben let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes for a second. In his thoughts he knew that an act like this was possible, but he had never even heard of the evillest Sith lords actually using this power.

"A child of a Skywalker and a Palpatine" he manged to breathe out.

"I don't know what to do" said Rey.

It looked like the man was about to say something as he opened his mouth, but before he could speak a huge bang came from outside the cell. Ben leapt out the way as the cell wall collapsed, and standing there, green lightsaber in hand, Luke Skywalker.

"Master Skywalker!" exclaimed Rey. "What are you doing here?"

"I felt it too... my sister's passing" Luke answered.

Rey lowered her head sadly.

"I know" she said.

"Come on, I'm breaking you out of here" he said.

Rey ran to the cell door, pulling her sabre off her belt. She turned around, and suddenly remembered.

"Ben?" Rey said quietly.

Ben's eyes were narrowed at Luke's arrival, he already had his lightsaber in his hand.

"I don't need his help" said Ben.

"Come on kid" said Luke, he didn't sound angry, more like he was sorry. Luke was faced with a nephew that still hadn't forgiven him; he didn't blame him.

"Look kid, I'm sorry, I am" Luke said. "I don't know what I can do to make it up to you, I can't do anything that's enough. I can't bring your mother back, or your father, but I can save you... and Rey."

Ben considered this for a moment. He knew Rey wouldn't go anywhere without him, so if he wanted her to survive, he would have to go with her. Then there was the matter of the baby. How... just how. Ben knew that eventually they might end up having children, but not like this, not now.

"Let me get one thing clear Jedi" said Ben, stepping closer, a threatening look on his face, murderous. "You are nothing to me, you never will be, I will never forgive you, and you can live with that guilt. I don't trust you, I think you know that I would rather stay here and rot in this cage than follow you anywhere, for Rey I will come. But I do not have your back, and if you betray me or Rey, or anyone, in any way, I end you myself... I would be proud to kill you. You only deserve death in hell."

"I missed you Ben" was all Luke said, then he exited the room, his green light leading the way.

Rey looked at Ben, his eyes were no longer narrowed at Luke, but looking down. Rey wiped at her eyes to clear the last of her tears and then gently placed a hand on Ben's back, rubbing it soothingly, bringing the other up to his face and turning him to face her. They looked at each other for a moment, Rey could see the pain in his eyes.

"I'll do anything for you" he said, bending down and lightly kissing her lips.

"And I'll do anything for you" she said.

A smile spread across his face and the two ignited their sabres and ran out of the cell, entering the darkness of Emperor Palpatine's lair.


Red, blue, and green lights glowed in the darkness. It travelled down passageways and huge rooms, hushed voices near them. Ben led them, with Rey at his feet, and Luke next to Ben. A noise came from above and before they knew it, tey were surrowned by coaked figures. The Jedi fought them off one by one, pulgnin their laser swords deep into the eminyes chests.

Rey fought a little way away from the men, once she had finished with her attackers, she turned to Ben who was spinning is sabre so skillfuly that Rey still wasn't use to it.

"Ben!" she yelled as she came to his side.

"Run Rey" he yelled back. "Hide somewhere safe until I can find you."

"What! No way!" she said.

"Please Rey, you're not as trained as I am, I can't lose you, or anything else that may be with you" said Ben.

Rey understood and began to run to find a safer place to hide, she knew it was for the best.

Ben turned to see Luke fighting off four figures at once, it was unreal how amazing the man was. His technique and calmness, it was something that you would never forget. A blaster shot headed straight at Luke's back, he didn't see it.

"What am I doing?" thought Ben as he jumped in front of the shot and blocked it with his lightsaber. Luke turned around, sensing Ben close to him.

"Thanks Ben" he called.

Before the two knew it, there was nothing more to fight, Ben and Luke turned to face each other, cackling came from the shadows.

"For the love of-" said Ben. "Him again!"

Luke knew what was coming, he recognised the evil atmosphere that was nearing closer and closer. He turned to his nephew solemnly.

"Ben" he said. "Get out of here, find Rey, end this, I need to finish what I began."

"I'm not leaving you Uncle" said Ben.

"Yes, you are" said Luke, putting a hand on Ben's shoulder.

"I'm proud of you, and I hope that you can forgive me" Luke said.

"What do I do, I have nowhere to go, no one ought to forgive me" Ben said, tears threatening to fall.

Luke smiled and looked at Ben sadly.

"They will not forgive Kylo Ren, it is their own fault if they do not forgive Ben Solo."

As Ben stepped away, Palpatine emerged. That was the last time Luke Skywalker was ever see as a mortal. Luke overthrew the emperor, leaving the figure gasping for air on the ground. Lightning shot Luke's heart and killed him, but not before Luke swung his lightsaber across Palpatine neck. They were both gone, and Ben saw it all.

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