6: The Other Exchange Student.

Start from the beginning

God that sounded so wrong...  You think.

"Come, everyone, and I will cook you my meatballs." Gustav said.

"Oh, Gustav!" Marco said.

*The Diaz family follows Gustav to the kitchen, completely forgetting about yours and Star's existence for the time being.*

(Time skip brought to you by "Gustav" telling fake stories.)

"Marco, think fast!" Gustav says, flinging a meatball to Marco, who catches it with his mouth.

Are those even cooked?  You think.

"So, uh, Gustav, where exactly are you from?" Star asks.

"How much do you know about Europe?" Gustav asks, narrowing his eyes.

Suspicous... You think.

"I know it's a place. I'm pretty sure." Star says, you roll your eyes.

"Ohhh, well, then. I come from the country of Scandinavia. It is a land where Vikings teach gym class and everyone has a pet penguin, even if you don't like penguins. Oops, too bad, here's your penguin." Gustav says.

Yeah, sure. Great fairy tale.  You think, rolling your eyes.

"Hey, Gustav, I'm open. Meatball me!" Marco said, Gustav flinged a meatball to Marco, who cought it in his mouth.

"Ooh, now me, Gustav. Now me!" Mr. Diaz says. 

*Gustav flings two meatballs to Mr. Diaz, who catches them with the horns of his helmet.*

"Are you sure those are cooked?" Star asks.

Exactly what i was thinking Star.  You think.

*Gustav continues to fling meatballs, the Diaz family continues catching them with their mouths.*

"Just think – three more weeks of this!" Marco says, tears of joy in his eyes.

*Star and you got weirded out and went upstairs. You and Star played some games for the rest of the day, then went to bed.*


The next day:

*You yet again walk down the stairs behind Star, momentarily forgetting about Gustav.*

"Surprise!" The Diaz family says.

Here we go again... You think.

"Aah! A party for me—!" Star says, then looks at the banner and stops.

Maybe not...  You think.

*Marco and his parents wear party hats and stand under a banner that reads "Happy 2nd Day of Your Visit, Gustav!"*

"Happy second day of your visit, Gustav!" The Diaz family says, payinng no attention at all to you and Star for the time being.

*Gustav comes down the stairs behind you and Star.*

"Oh, Diaz family. You are so full of pleasantness." Gustav said.

"Gustav, Gustav, Gustav, Gustav!" Marco and his parents chant.

*Star, annoyed, drags you with her towards the couch and sits down, you try sitting next to Star without having Gustav's bag falling on the floor, but to no avail. Gustav's bag falls onto the floor.*

"Huh?" Star says, looking at the bag.

*Inside Gustav's bag are a map and the books Scandinavian for Doofuses, and Customs of Scandinavia. You pick up the Scandinavian for Doofuses book.*

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