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Geages POV

After filming a boy's video I was still in shock that they had known so well, but now that they know I feel better about myself. I spend the day editing and thinking about gorgeous y/n is...I wish I could know how to tell her but I just don't know-how. I go out and grab some things to eat and drink then head home...on the way back I see airplanes flying in and out and I thought that one day that would be y/n flying in to see me. as I get home it's pretty late so I take a warm shower and head to bed, but when I dream I see y/n all the time...I'm simping hard.

y/n POV I wake up in the morning and look at flights that would work and I found some that were taking off in 2 days I book those and was going to tell Geage that I was gonna be there but I decided to keep it a secret and surprise him...I get up and take a shower and get dressed I decided to were Geages merch with some jean short shorts

I get up and take a shower and get dressed I decided to were Geages merch with some jean short shorts

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After getting changed I jump on my bed and watch the new boys video, then halfway through Geage ft calls me I sit up and answer

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After getting changed I jump on my bed and watch the new boys video, then halfway through Geage ft calls me I sit up and answer.



G-how are you doing this morning?

y/n-I'm doing fine...I just got out of the shower

G-nice I took one last night

Geages POV

y/n-I'm doing fine...I just got out of the shower

I was trying to respond in a way that wouldn't sound so sus...so what I said was this

G-nice I took one last night

wow, great one...

y/n- I gotta go downstairs and make some breakfast 

G-okay, do you wanna call later

y/n- sure

G-okay, see ya later

y/n-bye bye

y/n POV

I hang up the phone and I make a group chat with Mully, Josh, Eddie, and Grant telling them that I was coming down in two days and I wanted to surprise Geage that I was here...I asked if they could make plans close to the airport so I can take an uber there to surprise. 

M-sounds like a good plan


GG-we can meet at the bar down there

E-drinks on me dawg

Knowing that I had a plan, I could make myself some breakfast and get ready to record today.

Geage POV

I felt lonely now that y/n was gone but I decided to do the same and go and get breakfast at Mc Donalds. when I arrived I ordered and sat down,  but then was greeted by fans saying that I had great content and an amazing voice, I took pictures with them and they left. after a little bit, when I was just finishing my food this random very pretty girl came up to me and started flirting with me. when I was done but before I left she insisted I gave her my number...I kept telling her "no thanks" but she wasn't listening and was getting very immature so finally I pushed her away and said "for the last time I am not giving you my number so leave me alone" she stood there in shock as I walked back to my car and drove away. I get home, texting the boys what had happened, and brushed it off. I went off my day and tried to make the best of it.

Hello! another part I'm glad that yall are enjoying it and I hope that you're pleased with the story have an amazing day/night and Ill post another story later!

615 words😍🥰 

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