as time passes

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Geages POV

as time passes I start to think more and more about y/n even when I'm just recording with the boys...they sometimes notice that but they are starting to catch on with the whole thing...until one day they try to figure out what's going on

the boy's POV

M-okay something is definitely up with juicy 

J-you can see it in his eyes...everywhere, insta, Facebook, Snapchat...juicy in love

GG-its the most obvious thing in the whole world...I have an idea of who it is...

E-who is it dawg?

GG-It has to b y/n

J-Nah man

E-It cant be

GG-I'm serious! If you look at y/n page you can see that big juicy have liked almost all of y/n posts and commented

M-that's true...

GG-meanwhile his old crush, he stopped following her and is now doing that same actions to y/n...being shy, posting things about her, and saying how they are "FRIENDS"


 M-we need to confront him about this

later that week was the boy's videos time to be posted and right before we recorded we had a brilliant plan about how to get juicy feelings out

G-we ready to record?

M-Nah we have something for you to see really quick

G-what is it...

M-we are going to show you some pictures of some girls and you tell us what you think

G-are u guys setting me up?

the boys- no

E-we are just trying to get your opinion about some because your the only one out of all of us that's single 

G-fine but if you trick me ur dead

J-were not gonna trick you

GG-anyways what do you think about this one

GG-anyways what do you think about this one

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G-she looks nice but just not my type

J-okay what about this one?

G-better I like her hair but not the one 

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G-better I like her hair but not the one 

M-this one

G-why are you showing me a pic of millie bobby brown? she is way too young for me

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G-why are you showing me a pic of millie bobby brown? she is way too young for me

E-I knew that would come up...and this is the final one

for the last one, the boys had shown a pic from your insta and Geage froze

G-  I- umm shes Ummm-

M-We knew it

G- knew what??? geage said with his face that was bright red

J-that you like y/n 

G-WHAT, Ummmmmm no

GG- dude it's so obvious 


we told geage about how he was acting differently around y/n

E-just admit it...


J-why didn't you tell us before?

G-Idk I just thought that you guys would make fun of me for some reason

M-we didn't make fun of Eddie for liking gabby did we? same with josh, grant, and me.

E-yeah we are happy for u actually 

GG-you have to tell her at some point tho

G-what if she doesn't like me back?

E-then she's missing out on the perfect guy


J-its no big deal

M-lets just react to some Reddit memes

Hello! I hope you enjoyed that chapter and just know it's only getting better!! have a wonderful day/night bye-bye!

517 words😀😃😄😁😆 

famous Geage Gibson x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora