
"Your supposed to use that when somebody is actually threatening you.." She said. I huffed and folded my arms as I looked at her because I was really wondering, when have I ever got threatened?

Who walked up to me and told me they would do something to me? Like that's never happen to me. Well I atleast don't remember anything like that happening to me.

"I don't think anyone had ever threatened me before.." I said, Treasure swiped her neck.

"As they shouldn't cause anybody come up to you we fighting. Automatically!" She said as she stood up off of the bed, I watched as she opened the door to where Gleesh was standing mugging.

"Uh-" She said bumping into him. "Save the drama
fa yo baldheaded ass momma.."

She walked off as I laughed at his facial expression. I'm gonna use that because that was funny, like what? Bald? These people are full of comics.

"Yo, You good?" Gleesh asked, I nodded slowly.

"Just fine. I'm going to get dressed so can you close the door for me.." I said, he shut the door and I stood up from the bed. I looked down at the sheets to make sure it wasn't any blood but there was.

My eyes widened and I couldn't help but to blink twice. When I looked down at the sheets again, their wasn't any blood.

"What the freak?" I mumbled in shock.

I was having hallucinations and stuff. Am I crazy? Now, I'm scared because what's going on with me? I've never ever ever had anything like that happen to me AT ALL. I'm so lost. I'm so confused.

I sniffed as tears grew in my eyes. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I could cry in a snap of a finger and that shit was so tiring for me like girl get it together.

I started getting dressed. I usually get up pretty early and take a shower and stuff and then get under the cover, do my daily cry and then get ready for my day.

I'm usually at home during this time but since I was with Treasure last night, I just ended up sleeping over since I didn't want to drive home. I don't like driving in the dark, it gives me really bad anxiety.

Most fatal car accidents happen at night so I'm always a careful driver but everybody thinks different. They say I drive too fast or I drive too dangerous but I learned how to drive from the main person with these complaints.

Dejhari is always talking trash about the way I drive and I'm just like, who asked you? Like literally. Did I ask for your reviews? I don't remember asking for feedback so keep it to yourself.

I feel safe whenever I drive this way so mind it and find it or whatever Treasure says.

"Mama! Get dressed!" I heard, I huffed.

"Where are we going?" I asked with a frown.

"Don't worry about it! Just get dressed!" She yelled, I smacked my lips but started actually getting dressed. As I put my clothing on, I eyed the small incision scar that I had and pouted a little.

I sniffed and wiped the lone tear that fell. "I hope it was a girl.." I mumbled more-so to myself.

Would it be delusional if I named her?




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