"Why? Why you don't want to date? Is it about my job? If so I can assure y-..";

"It's not, the problem is me, I won't trust a straight guy and.... not ready to take this path" Kong declared and walks away from Arthit. Once kong leaves with Anu from the cafe, Arthit slammed his head on the table in defeat.

"Knott, don't you said you have an idea to solve my problem?" Arthit questioned his friend while checking the lavish restaurant.

"Yes, I said so" Knott confirmed to his friend.

"Then why the hell you took me to your date, you idiot! To remind me how much looser I am?" Arthit asked sarcastically.

Knott sighed and shook his head "wait for some time Athit, you will soon know"

Arthit nodded his head and start to examine the menu card. "By the way, how is your brother?" Knott asked after ordering the food.

"He is on the way to his demon too!" Arthit said while lifting his two hands forming little heart at his chest.

Knott chuckled and asked "Dating?"

Arthit nodded his head with a smirk. Knott motioned Arthit to see outside where May is stepping out of the car.

"She?" Arthit asked astonished, Knott just chuckled at him. "But are you sure she likes you?" Arthit asked with a smirk.

"Why?" Knott questioned his friend  with a puzzled look. "She looks dejected and gloomy for a date!" Arthit voice out his thought.

"You will know the reason soon," Knott told and stood from his chair to welcome May with a warm hug.

May rushed and slammed on the warm welcoming chest "would you believe that he still didn't apologize to dad nor aunty and avoiding P'Beam too"

May whined at Knott not noticing the extra person at their table. Arthit cleared his throat to let them recognize his presence, May pulled away from the hug with a scowl.

"Who are you?" She asked while Knott pulled the chair for her to sit.

"He is Arthit, my best buddy, did you forgot him? He is the one who leads the rescue-..." Knott was cut in the middle "hmm, I remembered, sorry, usually I am not this forgivable but because of the extreme distress I am easily forgetting things" May apologized to Arthit.

"I didn't properly thank you yet, I am glad that I am seeing you again-.." This time May was cut by Arthit.

"I did my job so no need to  thank me!" Arthit told with a blank face. May nodded her head and turned to Knott with a befuddled look for what Arthit is doing with them?

Knott smiled sheepishly and requested her a favor "May, will you arrange a meeting for Arthit with your brother?"

May raised her eyebrows at her new boyfriend. It's just been a week since Knott and May started dating but May already confessed that she likes Knott a lot and wants him to be her boyfriend and being a good boy he agreed.

"Not only one, arrange me at least 3 meet" Arthit announced his demand with crossed arms while Knott pinched his friend's arms 'will you please be gallant!'

Arthit just shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry for his rudeness, May" Knott apologized in place of his friend.

May gave a little nod and trailed her eyes on Arthit from head to toe, she doesn't stop even after Arthit throws his menacing look.

"Are you the one who is trying to make an appointment with Kong for the past weeks?" May questioned in hope that this enticing man was the cause of her brother's radiance.

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