Chapter 13 - A demon and a nephilim work together.

Start from the beginning

»Obviously«, he said and left a baffled Avery behind, so Aristes took over.

»Come on, Batest. Please make an exception. Just this once. I'll owe you one. It's really important.«

»This may be true, but there are still rules I have to oblige.«

»Is there anything you would be willing to exchange for making an exception for me?«, Avery wanted to know and Batest looked at her, seemingly taken aback.

»You're not going to threaten me?«

»Excuse me?«, Avery exclaimed with wide eyes.

»Nevermind. There is actually one thing«, Batest thought out loud. »I would like to go on a holiday for a week. I haven't had one in the last three millenia. There's no one who would take over my job«, he explained.

»That's all?«, Avery asked before she smiled and stretched out her hand. »We have a deal. I'm going to work for you on my next semester break.« Batest looked at her for a moment, as if trying to find out if she really meant it, before he returned the smile and shook her hand. He then printed out Avery's pass to the Underworld and slid it over the counter.

»There you go«, he said. »Someone will come by and deliver the rule book. And I will be awaiting you for your part on the promise.« Avery took her pass into the Underworld and grinned.

»Fine with me. Thank you.« She followed Aristes into the elevator that opened, turning slightly to the demon, when the doors closed before them.

»Just to make sure, I didn't just sell my soul to a demon, right?«, she asked and Aristes chuckled softly.

»No, you're good.«

As it turns out, Hargamon isn't very skilled in kidnapping humans. They expected they had to search for Jasper with the help of Avery's pendulum but no such thing was necessary. They found Jasper at the first place they looked: Hargamons flat.

Or actually, they found him in the place outside the cave, soaked in Holy Water, running towards them. Aristes could smell the Holy Water and backed away on reflex. Jasper must have spilled the Holy Water over himself so Hargamon or any other demon wouldn't dare touch him.

Hargamon though was hot on his heels, spear and fireball in his hands, throwing them after the running human.

Hargamon and Jasper noticed Aristes and Avery at the same time. One looked relieved. The other one threw a detonation in their direction. Avery managed to hide behind a pillar while Aristes dodged and hurled himself at Hargamon. Both demons went down, crashing onto the stony ground like thunder thanks to their more substantial existence down in the Underworld. They were rolling on the ground, a mess of claws and fangs until Hargamon got the upper hand, pressing Aristes to the ground.

»Stay away you pestilence«, Hargamon screamed, with a booming echo that reflected from the empty hallway. »It belongs to me. You sacrificed the human. The contract between the two of you is null and void.« Hargamon lashed out with his claws making Aristes scream, when they sank into his chest like poisonous thorns, burning the flesh and ripping open skin that started bleeding. Aristes fought back by summoning hellfire in his hands, pressing the flames against Hargamons sides, burning the flesh it touched. Hargamon let go with a pained cry and lunged out to kick Aristes, but the demon rolled out of the way and got onto his feet. He reached out to throw another round of hellfire at him, but Hargamon was faster, running towards him and kicking Aristes to the ground once more before summoning his spear, holding it above his head ready to strike down and to impale Aristes.

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