9th February, 1668

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        This day was one full of revelations. From the minute the sun rose to the minute the stars became visible. Being aboard a ship and trapped on a vessel that one is not quite sure of the mechanism's abilities, It was borderline terrifying. That was until I had seen his eyes. Even though my anger took over my affections, I was unable to deny what I had felt for him. I was unsure if it had been lust or admiration, but in any circumstances-I had known that I was not able to control myself around him.

        I occupied my day avoiding Gabriel. Lingering by his men and staying near my chambers which was known to others as the cargo hold, my mind thought of his hands upon my body. The feeling of his lips on my skin and him making me feel like a woman.

        My fervent preoccupation was interrupted by the sound of his voice upon my ears. Instantly, I listened but acted as if I had not. By this time, he knew I had been eluding his company and blocked my exit from the cargo hold. Fighting my inner passion, I use my best fighting words before he began walking closer to me. The look in his eyes was telling me his inner thoughts. He bit his bottom lip as he continued to walk toward me. Running his fingers through his hair and angling his head low and which gave me a sinful smirk, I fell into him.

        Placing his lips against mine, I kissed him as if we were using one another to survive. I was able to feel his heartbeat through each breath. Almost as if in rhythm, I could feel him desire me and he knew I had wanted him. Realizing my actions, I pulled from him but he had pushed me against the bulkhead causing a loud sound.

        Feeling his lips upon me caused there to be a feeling of security among my heart. Having him deceive his identity to me caused me to reevaluate my relationship with him. But I had realized my love for him grew more with each second. Growing upset got my heart torn between what I desired and what I had lusted for. In that moment with Gabriel, I gave in to my lust and basked in the moment with him. Allowing him to make love to me once more.

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