February 19: (Romans 8:38-39)

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"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
   ~Romans 8:38-39 ESV

When we have been truly adopted into the family of God, there is absolutely no way we can be cast out of it. Once we have been saved by God's loving grace and mercy, there is no way He is going to let us go. We are His children and He will care for us as a father cares for his children.

But even though we are apart of God's family, we can't expect our lives to be butterflies and rainbows. In fact, our lives will become harder because our minds and hearts have been opened to new things. Spiritual things.

The moment we are born again is the moment we should come to realize that our lives have become a battleground. We have engaged ourselves in a spiritual battle with our unseen enemy who seeks to destroy us.

We must not cower in fear and become complacent in our Christian walk. This only leads to spiritual blindness and death. Besides, that's what Satan wants. He wants us to think that he doesn't exist and therefore, must not rise up and fight. It's all apart of his plan to destroy us. If we are spiritually dead, how can we obtain the ammo to turn the shots back around at him?

That's why the children of God must wake up! If we have the love of God within us, we should have no fear of what we must face. Remember, God has given us the authority to cast out the demons through the name of Jesus! We have been given the supernatural power to take control over our dark enemy!

There is nothing, NOT EVEN DEMONS that can cause a rift between us and God. We were bought with a big price. God paid for us with the price of His Son's blood and nothing can separate us from the Father who loves us that much.

When we have been bought with such a high price, how can we let the demonic have victory over us? Rise up and remind those demons that Jesus' blood has washed you clean and there is nothing they can do to separate you from God!

~Lily (Lilyflower1603)

Daily Bible Verses For FebruaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora